The all new Xbox Live Gamertag Site including leaderboard, gamertag db, stats & more!


I just noticed an error...

Time at the top: Moody41 has held the top spot for 102 days, taking it from the previous champion Wyrdo UK

Moody41 took the top spot from ME!!! then Wyrdo took 2nd place a few months after... the LIESSSSSSS!!!!!!


Off Topic - where is moody?
Sweet, just one thing. There is a zero missing of my name, with a link to OCUK ;) Could you sort that some time thanks :)

Moody41 took the top spot from ME!!! then Wyrdo took 2nd place a few months after... the LIESSSSSSS!!!!!!
There was a day a few months back where certain people's scores seemed to drop to 0 one evening, probably a bug at MS' end. This meant that the stats all went crazy. It's on the to do list to fix in the next version!

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