The all new Xbox Live Gamertag Site including leaderboard, gamertag db, stats & more!

Hi all,

Wyrdo thanks for the PM, I hadn't realised there had been all these unread posts in this thread. I'll fix and update everything when I get home from work tonight.
Stu ST200
Dangerous Mavu
Evil Par5n1p
Tonyator XI

GamerTag doesn't exist.

I'm now known as Deano Rocko

can you remove Tetsu UK (old tag) and add Zensuji

All changes will appear tomorrow night, just after 7pm. Sorry for the delays again. Real life sucks at the moment and leaves me little time to work on this. Rest assured the new site is so very nearly ready! Shame I've got a certification to concentrate on rather than this!
I'm trying to find people to boost with, it would be useful if "Gamers who have played..." was sorted by latest person to have played it if possible?
Can you update my tag to the one in my sig, cheers. :)
Done, change will appear tonight at seven.

Thanks for adding, but my score is showing as 0, even though it's still my current tag?

Edit: Just noticed, you said after 7pm :D
Yeah the process that grabs the data runs at 7pm, so until then it'll reckon you have zero score.

I'm trying to find people to boost with, it would be useful if "Gamers who have played..." was sorted by latest person to have played it if possible?
That's in the fabled new version.
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