@AMDMatt DayZ is going Beta within weeks.. is there going to be an optimised driver on time for the optimisations they are bringing on Beta release?
I really hope my stuttering is fixed by Beta else i'm just gona quit PC gaming, the 'one' game i enjoy the most is the 'only' game i have issues with.. and i hope this DayZ doesnt turn out to be an Nvidia favoured game.
I'll be looking for 'DayZ Optimisations' in the release notes around the Beta release in new drivers.
I've had these stuttering issues since December 2016 (DayZ 0.61 release) and its about time i had a smooth gameplay experience from this game. I really hope AMD are doing everything they can to supply a good DayZ driver to their users that keep buying their GPU's. I dont wana go with the green team, i'd rather switch over to console than do that.
I really hope my stuttering is fixed by Beta else i'm just gona quit PC gaming, the 'one' game i enjoy the most is the 'only' game i have issues with.. and i hope this DayZ doesnt turn out to be an Nvidia favoured game.
I'll be looking for 'DayZ Optimisations' in the release notes around the Beta release in new drivers.
I've had these stuttering issues since December 2016 (DayZ 0.61 release) and its about time i had a smooth gameplay experience from this game. I really hope AMD are doing everything they can to supply a good DayZ driver to their users that keep buying their GPU's. I dont wana go with the green team, i'd rather switch over to console than do that.