Not impressed with AMD's recording tech.
Recording i get hitching, or pauses.... what it seems to be doing is caching chunks of the recording and then dumping it periodically in large chunks on the drive, that puts the drive under stress and that causes the pause in the game.
I'm using HEVC 45Mb/s 1440P, the image quality at that is pretty poor, if i crank it any higher the pausing gets worse, it is a mechanical (spinney disk) drive, because you know.... most of us cannot afford a 500GB NVMe boot drive, an SSD for most game and on top of that an SSD for recordings... i used the same drive for recordings on the GTX 1070 and never had an issue with hitching.
I think Nvidia smoothly stream the recording to disk, not dump it in large chunks on the drive....
See the pausing in here...