Yes nVidias 3d Vision is the real deal if it's 3 you'r after but beware that most games have issues or dont work at all.
I have been a 3d vision gamer for years and I do hang around nvidias forum but trust me when I say it's a mess, most often do other people have do do fixes. Take a look over the HelixMod site and on nVidias 3d vision forum and see for yourself.
We 3D Gamers have been angry at nVidia for years now as they dont seem to give a flying f*ck about 3D anymore but just resently they have started incorporated this fake 3 mode such as 3d Tv's use and it's just worthless POS, to tell the truth.
When 3d works then yes it's good, it's frikking awesome but right now I mostly do my gaming in regular 2d as how good 3D may be, it still crush/kills a lot of how the game looks, I talking about seying details/colours and such as its darkens the picture a lot and I have the Asus VG278H with 3D Vision 2.
So for me I have to say that the novelty wears of so im looking at g-sync with perfect picture right now, to hell with 3d for me ..LOL!
I cant wait for VR tho, as then we can talking about immersion and can say bye bye to ghosting/crosstalk as we are looking at one screen for each eye.
So I think VR will be totaly awesome and then you really can say you are in the game