The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Youtube squad up tonight then starring xfactor, jackfrags and westie :D Now who will be matimo, lvlcap, anderzel and frankie1080onpc..... :p

Nice one sidey :cool:
I used to play bf2 in conjunction of a website that you could win money from if your team won the round, forgotten it's name. Do these still exist?
Name change is not going well so far :confused:


LOL..hope she's not stalking me and sees this.
@Xinami are you in velocity now with pandavia, granpaRed?? Swore saw you in practice with them yesterday

Yeah, I know granpa, dont' know the other guy. It's not going so well atm to be honest. Let's just say there is some dead weight in the team. But it's not my place to do anything about it. We're playing the Squirtles soon, time to get absolutely smashed :D
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