The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Bazaar B flag, you shall long be remembered. There is another trick too, if you get on a box or something similar as you ADS you get a big peekers advantage on people and being ADS can then euro hip fire them down
Pretty much, ultra low sens Jika. Legend of BF3 and is LAN proven.

ah found his yt video channel, he must play at 600dpi or something

edit from that I've noticed for all these years I have been countering recoil wrong, I go down and left, he goes down and right. Can see it clearly at 11:20 lol
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I don't get it, he's moving the mouse but the video isn't mimicking where he is moving at times. Must be out of sync. I dont get the point of the video and showing his mouse movements :confused:
edit from that I've noticed for all these years I have been countering recoil wrong, I go down and left, he goes down and right. Can see it clearly at 11:20 lol

It'll depend on the characteristics of the gun - some recoil in different directions by different amounts.
I don't get it, he's moving the mouse but the video isn't mimicking where he is moving at times. Must be out of sync. I dont get the point of the video and showing his mouse movements :confused:

Most of them get accused for using macros so they upload videos with a handcam :p If you watch his other videos he gets lots of dislikes and the comments section is just people accusing him for using damage hacks. It's the first time I've come across people with such high accuracy with assualt rifles.

erm I play at 450dpi @ super low sens too lol

It seems that is the setting what ESL guys prefer, I found another video. I'm going to practise using low sensitivity and try and get crazy accuracy like those guys. I just don't understand how having a low dpi does that.

It'll depend on the characteristics of the gun - some recoil in different directions by different amounts.

I was curious as to why a professional player went in the different counter recoil direction for that gun.
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Cheating is subsiding a bit.

The "netcode" is doing my head in though - seems worse than ever on any UK server I've played on I think the boxes are running too many instances or something much of the time now there is a lot of low level rubber banding and general sponginess to it.
Feeling your pain Rroff, I'm having terrible issues when using Attack Heli, I can visually see the rounds connecting the with the other chopper or the infy on the ground, but no hit markers.
My hero :D

Shame I can't find that old report from before the USAS got nerfed. Went something like 90-4 on Metro with 300% accuracy lel

Definitely a one of, but I just wanted to see if it could be done. Everything was not against me in that match, netcode was bang on, I wasn't being supressed and when I was I didn't fire back and just took cover, and in around 2 short bursts I got a kill, sometimes one.

USAS with frags was way over powered, especially in Metro, so was the Scar H with irnv before that got nerfed to. There was something with the g3a3 with darts iirc that was some kind of glitch but people got insane accuracy with too. 300% accuracy though :eek: I call hacks :p

Would be great to have the regulars playing BF3.;)
played it today again after a massive break, gotta admit gunplay gave me a massive smile....and those SFX man :), my ears cum with excitement. Yes it has it's flaws, squad play is nowhere near as good as bf4 squad play but it's feels so epic to me. Will be enjoying this for a while thats for sure.
Feeling your pain Rroff, I'm having terrible issues when using Attack Heli, I can visually see the rounds connecting the with the other chopper or the infy on the ground, but no hit markers.

Had a run of that the other night - felt a bit of a let down as I jumped in as gunner on the attack chopper with someone who was pretty good and I was struggling to make my rounds stick all map.
Feeling your pain Rroff, I'm having terrible issues when using Attack Heli, I can visually see the rounds connecting the with the other chopper or the infy on the ground, but no hit markers.

If you are using tracers to see where your shots land you are doing it wrong in the Atk Heli. The tracers aren't accurate sorry to say
If you are using tracers to see where your shots land you are doing it wrong in the Atk Heli. The tracers aren't accurate sorry to say

Been noticing this a lot lately (on foot) - some of the time I was missing stuff I thought I should be hitting I came to realise the spread/suppression was actually placing the rounds waaay outside of where the tracers was visually suggesting they were going :( can't remember what it was that clued me in but it'll probably come back to me.
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