Any one know the best place to get this from
Stupid dumb ****s not defending outside and wondering why they getting ****** in the rear, stupid team not opening their ******* eyes and realizing there are beacons behind and thats how the enemy keep respawning behind them even after going back to E to recap it.
The amount of times I said in chat to help outside before all this baserape is silly, must have told the team a 10+ ******* times that help outside C+D was needed and yet it was just me and one lone sniper trying to stop 10+ men advancing down.
The only help came when it was too late and E was being capped, but that was far too late and ineffective, especially with these stupid ****s running straight past enemy beacons even though they are visible on the map and thus allowing the enemy to spawn behind again.
Stupid ******* *****.
Surprised you are saying that Nex given how bad your Internet has been for the last year or so!!
Stupid dumb ****s not defending outside and wondering why they getting ****** in the rear, stupid team not opening their ******* eyes and realizing there are beacons behind and thats how the enemy keep respawning behind them even after going back to E to recap it.
The amount of times I said in chat to help outside before all this baserape is silly, must have told the team a 10+ ******* times that help outside C+D was needed and yet it was just me and one lone sniper trying to stop 10+ men advancing down.
The only help came when it was too late and E was being capped, but that was far too late and ineffective, especially with these stupid ****s running straight past enemy beacons even though they are visible on the map and thus allowing the enemy to spawn behind again.
Stupid ******* *****.
Yeah like I said, most of the issues are always down to that **** superhubAs long as I reset it every day, it is ok.
Given the choice for speed etc. I would go with another but I doubt they would like my monthly consumption + could be worse since the vast majority around here are on BT and I don't really have any other choice for ISPs.
So mods can not fully ** out swearies but we have to....OMG abuse
Nah not for me, watching Sicario tonight.
Tomorrow for sure.