The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Another painful couple of rounds this afternoon playing in a squad of donkeys.

Every moron was running through the inside of Lockers, I was the only one running outside and making it to the first flag. My team didn't even spawn there once it was captured. idiots.

I just had that.

Im outside telling team in chat that the enemy is out C and coming to D+E, nothing, no help and its was constant flanking by the enemy.

And to make it worse I watched about 3-4 of my team run straight past enemy hiding in the corner of a room at E first flag from our base.

Blind morons.
I hate the TV missile, hit 3 helis with it and only done 50hp damage to it.

I've not encountered that one but it is still Russian roulette to use TV missiles - something like 1 in 19 chance the missile explodes on the gunner's position instead of where it hits which usually kills you with a fair chance of killing the vehicle you are in also.
Last time I used the m320 I had defibs as well. Used them a lot, didn't get revived much myself. I believe wndsr was referring to the selfish m320 + medi bag lot.

There's a guy I know who jumps in the gunner's seat of vehicles without a rep tool. :rolleyes:

Well I cant argue with that unless you need reps and your gunner drops ammo bag on your tank :D :D
TV does around 92 DMG... its not insta kill on other helis anymore...also tank shot on full hp transport is not insta kill :/

I always get an insta kill with it unless it "dusts" - looking at a couple of videos it is showing either 50 or 90 (not 92 for some reason) hits but still killing them from full health - not a single actual hit fails to kill. Prolly yet another bug (this time in my favour).
Coming back on?

Sorry mate not this evening, just cooked a BBQ for a mates 50th* and I just got home and now I've got to cook for my misses. Knackered. I'll be on tomorrow afternoon and evening though.

* BBQs are like tanks in BF4. When you see a noob driving one, it's time to take over and show them how it's done. :cool::p
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