The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

As i got older i played less and less games, so what i mean is that i'm out of practice as i've had other priorities the older i got, so currently i'm just you're average joe player.

I'm not saying i was awesome when i was playing regularly, just consistent with my performances.

I play mobile games more these days, it's rather sad considering my spec and i'm trying to find time to get back and play more often on my computer.

See above reply to syks on what i meant.

I agree with you regarding BF1, i played the game on Origin Access and dipped into the campaign and i liked it surprisingly, but the multiplayer, the gun play the whole atmosphere felt... wrong, it didn't feel like any of the previous Battlefields.

My highlight will always be BC2, wish they'd remaster the game and add strafing.

Ah yeah I know what you mean, BF pretty much the only thing I have played in the last 1-2 years (along with gta 5 and div.), however, I put that more down to just games being complete **** in 2017 though :p

Yup I have disliked BF 1 since the first alpha, they improved some things but still so much for them to address, of which they won't as it is part of their game vision with regards to putting people on a more level playing field aka reducing the skill ceiling i.e. as per EA CEO's words, "making the game more casual and as a result, more accessible to everyone of all ages" (well this was what they said for SWBF but the same logic will also apply to BF as at the end of the day, more money this way). Essentially the only reason I got BF 1 in the end was purely down to SWBF 2 and potentially not having anything else at all to play for another 1-2 years.

I just can't stand the:

- suppression
- elites, as much as I love my gimp suit raider, just meh....
- melee system/bayonet charge
- hipfire and hold LMB FTW
- sniper is superb in the game (easily the best class in the game [combined with flares for spotting] as at least your bullets go exactly where you aim and as a result, I find I do better this way, even up close) but I hate that one hit, one kill when in a certain range....
- aircraft play just URGH.... Completely ruined
- tanks are alright in bf 1 but they just aren't the same fun as what they are in bf 3/4, be that how slow they are, the stupid sit in tank, hold x to repair...... Much like aircraft, tank and air combat in bf 4 just feels more tactical, more skillful + more rewarding and whilst people, including myself at times, hate all the lock on rockets, tv missiles etc. bombardment, it adds to the fun element of "tanking" I find
- the point system, just zerg points and go medic on bf 1 and you'll easily top the leaderboard, bf 4 point system was perfectly balanced, a killing machine could easily come in top 5, a PTFO'er could easily come in top 5 too, combine those and you'll easily be in top 2

etc. etc.



Not sure if you heard about the next BF game, supposedly either going to be BC 3 or/and WW2, however, after SWBF 2 and BF 1, I am not hopeful though, especially when DICE have said themselves, they don't know what it is that people liked/enjoyed about bc 2 :/
RNG is a thing the majority of gamers are against, only the people who whale it out or use it as a good thing for people who can't play as often (give me a break) support it.
Suppression isn't too bad, i liked it in BF3, BF4's suppression is okay but i prefer BF3's version better.
Bayonet charge is pathetic, use it and you basically surrender yourself to the gods till it's over, melee system i can't comment on, never melee'd anyone in BF1.
I never hip fired, learnt from BC2 - BF4 not to do that unless someone surprises me.
Agree with all you've said about the Sniper class, too easy.
Aircraft play from what i've seen on YouTube looks tedious.
BF3's tank setups were the best, BF4 were similar but BF3 had it right.
The point system is a reflection of what EA/DICE are doing for future games, it got worse in Battlefront 1.

Yeah i did, i commented on that thread. They'll hype it up as usual, people will buy into it as usual just because it's Bad Company and then EA/DICE will completely miss the point of what made BC2 so great.

What made it great was the Rush maps, the simplicity of classes with less clutter for additional mods to select for your class, the destruction and sound, and despite we had OP moments such as the Neostead 2000 and the discovery of utilising long range slugs for shotguns, but it wasn't that bad, it was still enjoyable to play, not to mention the skill ceiling with being good at using a sniper rifle, i could never really get the hand of the sniper mechanics in BC2.

Like you said, they don't know what made it great so they'll mess it up.
RNG is a thing the majority of gamers are against, only the people who whale it out or use it as a good thing for people who can't play as often (give me a break) support it.
Suppression isn't too bad, i liked it in BF3, BF4's suppression is okay but i prefer BF3's version better.
Bayonet charge is pathetic, use it and you basically surrender yourself to the gods till it's over, melee system i can't comment on, never melee'd anyone in BF1.
I never hip fired, learnt from BC2 - BF4 not to do that unless someone surprises me.
Agree with all you've said about the Sniper class, too easy.
Aircraft play from what i've seen on YouTube looks tedious.
BF3's tank setups were the best, BF4 were similar but BF3 had it right.
The point system is a reflection of what EA/DICE are doing for future games, it got worse in Battlefront 1.

Yeah i did, i commented on that thread. They'll hype it up as usual, people will buy into it as usual just because it's Bad Company and then EA/DICE will completely miss the point of what made BC2 so great.

What made it great was the Rush maps, the simplicity of classes with less clutter for additional mods to select for your class, the destruction and sound, and despite we had OP moments such as the Neostead 2000 and the discovery of utilising long range slugs for shotguns, but it wasn't that bad, it was still enjoyable to play, not to mention the skill ceiling with being good at using a sniper rifle, i could never really get the hand of the sniper mechanics in BC2.

Like you said, they don't know what made it great so they'll mess it up.

I'm not a fan of the suppression in bf 3, just did not like that blur and the way your bullets went all over the place, although it did add a bit of tactical gunplay at times and the pace plus feel of the guns were great so it sort of made up for it.

I didn't like the vehicle to infy play balance in bf 3 especially when the maps are too orientated towards aircraft domination (made even worse with the much easier 3d spotting) so spent 80% of my time on the CQ dlc maps :D

The bayonet can be a curse but also a god send due to the way it locks onto your target and once you're in a certain range, your target will get locked into the animation with no way of countering it. Likewise with the melee system, it is fine for when behind your enemy but such a casual/noob mechanic from the front, if your enemy is at a certain level of health, usually 1-2 shots from a pistol, just spam the melee button and it is another insta lock in animation kill with no way of countering....

In bf 1 when using assault weapons, shotguns, there is no need to ads, if you're trying to engage targets at a medium/long range, then you need to switch to medic DRM, LMG or sniper, needless to say BF 3/4, well any BF game is superior for this part, no way you would get away with hip fire unless using a SMG with a laser sight etc. attached or/and practically right in front of the enemy.

I only played hardcore in BC 2 (spotting was laughable and ruined the game for me, just took out any sneaking tactics which was essential for some parts of rush) so sniper in that game was one hit one kill with the magnum ammo but alas, sniping in that game was a big problem hence why most servers, especially hardcore ones ran a sniper limit :p

But yup, that is the main problem with BF games and DICE/EA now, they are trying to cram too much into the game i.e. game modes with regards to designing maps around multiple game modes and not just making it great for one game mode, unlocks (BF 1 took a step back in this but in many ways, it is actually worse than the over bloated mess of bf 3/4) and too many types of vehicles as well as too many vehicles on certain maps.
Still prefer bf3 in terms gameplay design so much better,the squad perks actually made difference,you could manage suppression with the right perk loadout. some of the maps with only limited tanks and little bird where great like demavand peak. a lot of the other modes were fun to play like gun master.

I'm downloading Battlefield 4 now, so i'll be using this game as a stepping stone to gaming on my computer again, see if i can relive some good old moments.
Aftermath was a brilliant DLC, alongside BC2's Vietnam.

Close Quarters was also decent, rather nice if you wanted a few quick matches and also Armoured Kill.

For BF4, the Vanilla aspect is the best part, but there was a DLC which included Pearl Market, and that was decent from what i remember, also the DLC that included the Propaganda map as well.
Aftermath maps made BF3. Most of the maps in Bf4 are rubbish. I don’t like spotting in BF4 either. The mini map was too detailed. I agree I did like pearl market and propaganda. In fact there’s a server I still frequent that plays pearlmarket exclusively.
RNG is a thing the majority of gamers are against, only the people who whale it out or use it as a good thing for people who can't play as often (give me a break)
I never hip fired, learnt from BC2 - BF4 not to do that unless someone surprises me.

That's the problem. I have had to relearn to play as before aiming down sights was key as hip firing was pointless unless super close. Now it is super easy with guns like the mg14 etc. It is an advantage to hip fire whereas it shouldn't be.
Tried a couple of rounds last week with the usual suspects. The servers were running really badly, and being able to use FLIR in vehicle just felt so cheesy. Would have probably been better if the servers weren't broken and we had some half competent competition.
*Defib revive* *Throws medpac*

For me, there's no better FPS game on the market currently.

Love me some BF4.
I installed it again last week actually, really enjoying it again, even if I am terrible at it.

Trying to work out which gun is decent to use is a struggle :D
Yeah i know, necro and all.

Had two fun games in this today after playing it again, did Commander mode twice for the first time too and that was rather enjoyable.
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