The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Persuaded Mynight to install over the weekend. Had some fun games of gunmaster. Where were you man?

Still need to try a 120Hz server.

Was doing a BBQ for about 30-40 hungry Kiwi's :D Sunday was travelling to the states for work so was not able to get my BF4 sunday fix in :(

I'm assuming you mean the 60hz server right? As the only 120hz server is in the US? I found that my frames were tanking pretty hard which is not surprising. I'm assuming you were ok with SLI?
Was doing a BBQ for about 30-40 hungry Kiwi's :D Sunday was travelling to the states for work so was not able to get my BF4 sunday fix in :(

I'm assuming you mean the 60hz server right? As the only 120hz server is in the US? I found that my frames were tanking pretty hard which is not surprising. I'm assuming you were ok with SLI?

BBQ that's the spirit! 40-50 kiwis, that's a lot of lamb! :D

Haven't (knowingly) tried the 60Hz server yet. I'd expect CPU not GPU to be the issue with frame drops on a 60Hz server (It's not like the graphics have improved), so I'll see how my SB-E 6 core copes. (Well I hope!)
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anyone else having trouble connecting to servers cant seem to join a server ,
just keep getting "ERROR
Could not communicate with BF4. Please use the Task Manager to close it down."
anyone else having trouble connecting to servers cant seem to join a server ,
just keep getting "ERROR
Could not communicate with BF4. Please use the Task Manager to close it down."

Used to get that all the time (But not had it for a long time). If you ignore it it should take you into the game anyway.
i either get the above error or this

You were disconnected from EA Online. Please check your internet connection or try again later. (1)"

not sure what the problem is ,game was fine on Saturday .

i have tried different browsers, reparing the install and reinstalling punkbuster :confused:
BBQ that's the spirit! 40-50 kiwis, that's a lot of lamb! :D

Haven't (knowingly) tried the 60Hz server yet. I'd expect CPU not GPU to be the issue with frame drops on a 60Hz server (It's not like the graphics have improved), so I'll see how my SB-E 6 core copes. (Well I hope!)

Maybe it's time to upgrade my aging Sandybridge system :( Keenly waiting for the 980Ti although that could be some time off...

Would be good if someone could bench the 60hz server vs 30hz with similar number of players.
i either get the above error or this

You were disconnected from EA Online. Please check your internet connection or try again later. (1)"

not sure what the problem is ,game was fine on Saturday .

i have tried different browsers, reparing the install and reinstalling punkbuster :confused:

Sounds like it's their end, it happens when the do client and server update rollouts.

Maybe it's time to upgrade my aging Sandybridge system :( Keenly waiting for the 980Ti although that could be some time off...

Would be good if someone could bench the 60hz server vs 30hz with similar number of players.

A 4.7GHz SB should be a pretty monster CPU still. Mine is only 4.4GHz, so it would only beat yours if either number of threads, memory bandwidth or number of PCIe lanes was the bottleneck.
Yeh maybe it was my aging GPU but my frames were tanking under 90 fps where normal CTE is 100+ 99% of the time.
DICE has confirmed that all future DLC released for Battlefield 4 will be free for all players.

DICE LA producer David Sirland confirmed (via BF4Central) that all future DLC will be free for both Premium and non-Premium members. Upcoming content includes new maps, a new game mode, and new weapons.

First up is the game’s spring update, which will add the Gun Master game mode—a free-for-all deathmatch where players start with the same gun and unlock new weapons with each kill—and five new weapons, including the AN-94 and Groza-1 assault rifles.

Following this, DICE will release a Night Map update, which will add nighttime variations of several maps, including Siege of Shanghai, Zavod 311, and Golmud Railway. The Battlefield 4 Community Map and an unannounced map remake from an earlier Battlefield game are also in the works.
"Unannounced map remake"'I hope that was a typo and they meant to type "maps"

I want 3/4 from BF3 or before, not 1 and a gash jungle map.
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