The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Net issues are my biggest issue with this game. High ping on an upto 8mb bt adsl connection, you are in for a major world of hurt in bf games. Sometimes what you see on your screen, your shooting at someone. On his screen your dead. 3-5 seconds after diving into what you think is cover, your already dead on the guys screen with the faster connection.
LOL we had 7 x 8vs8 veteran's in TS try harding with us in that round. Comms (TS callouts position / No of enemies) + mini map + map knowledge + BF4 netcode = raep. Julius will no doubt be happy at your accusations but seriously, 21% accuracy with AEK in a round of lockers isn't even that good. 25-30% Accuracy is what the top 5vs5 Infy players hit.
LOL we had 7 x 8vs8 veteran's in TS try harding with us in that round. Comms (TS callouts position / No of enemies) + mini map + map knowledge + BF4 netcode = raep. Julius will no doubt be happy at your accusations but seriously, 21% accuracy with AEK in a round of lockers isn't even that good. 25-30% Accuracy is what the top 5vs5 Infy players hit.
Seriously mate, do people play this pos competitively? Bf3 was bad enough with jet/chooper rape and no countermeasures. This game is a joke even for a quick blast. Ive sen now that attack choppers in bf4 are as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike, dice couldnt balance a kids see saw never mind a game.
Net issues are my biggest issue with this game. High ping on an upto 8mb bt adsl connection, you are in for a major world of hurt in bf games. Sometimes what you see on your screen, your shooting at someone. On his screen your dead. 3-5 seconds after diving into what you think is cover, your already dead on the guys screen with the faster connection.

Its my biggest issue, I do wonder sometimes if its just 1-2 players with slightly ropey connections that can change the quality of the whole server, I will literally go from 3-4 KDR w/ 30-60% acc one map and hitting most stuff I shoot at to 0.5 KDR and 10-20% the next playing the same people, sometimes even the same map back to back and struggling to land simple shots. Never had that big a variation in any other game, I'll have off days and on days but within 1 sitting I'm usually very consistent.
Its my biggest issue, I do wonder sometimes if its just 1-2 players with slightly ropey connections that can change the quality of the whole server, I will literally go from 3-4 KDR w/ 30-60% acc one map and hitting most stuff I shoot at to 0.5 KDR and 10-20% the next playing the same people, sometimes even the same map back to back and struggling to land simple shots. Never had that big a variation in any other game, I'll have off days and on days but within 1 sitting I'm usually very consistent.

I have the same issue. I find some games I cannot hit anything no matter what. Other games I do as expected its the same on PC, PS4 and Xbox one.

It ruins the game for me tbh.
Its my biggest issue, I do wonder sometimes if its just 1-2 players with slightly ropey connections that can change the quality of the whole server, I will literally go from 3-4 KDR w/ 30-60% acc one map and hitting most stuff I shoot at to 0.5 KDR and 10-20% the next playing the same people, sometimes even the same map back to back and struggling to land simple shots. Never had that big a variation in any other game, I'll have off days and on days but within 1 sitting I'm usually very consistent.
What i cant understand is, dice done the mp for moh 2010. Reg is perfect in it, even better than cod games. And a much better looking game than bf3 or bf4 despite being a bit older. Same engine, yes bf4 is the latest version of frostbite, but tbh its not a good looking game.
Unfortunately ive lost the screenshots i had of moh 2010 maxed Rroff, (dead ssd) but they were amazing on max settings on my old 470 sli setup. A single highly clocked 670 was able to run it the same. Bf3 was covered with an ugly filter, blue on metro. By using the realmware tweaker to remove the filter, it showed how bad the basic textures were. Crysis 1 despite being older, or far cry 1/2 looked much better for fps games. Shame fc2 was so repetitive. I only wish that novalogics joint ops series was brought upto date, 150 players with vehicles on a landscape that makes bf4 look miniscule.
I'm finding it harder to really know if I'm sucking or if it's really weird laggy netcode. Because I do definitely have games where I feel like nothing is going right, but unlike you my play style(particularly when new to a game and I'm generally not sticking with one gun but trying to unlock guns asap) lends itself to variable rounds in the same sitting. Sometimes I'll utterly own a map other times not. Part of that is obviously learning maps, particularly learning where people sit and snipe from and some maps suit my passion for always running around at full place like a maniac, others.... don't :p

There are some rounds I'm astonishingly bad but I can tell I'm just playing like a tard, other rounds though I swear blind everything feels like I'm doing well but every situation I'm getting torn to pieces without the other guy being touched.
He all get those dodgy rounds, I went 10-15 one map and then the next 32-8. It's a pain being so inconsistent, as I generally am at my worst just as. I smack on a big boost.
It gets proper confusing us being split on both teams yet all calling out stuff on ts, my brain goes into full tard mode sometimes.

Had a bunch of fun on zavod though trying to keep josh and quiche boy at bay from nexus' many jihad quad runs lol
sorry for being a noob but how do I unlock the Designated Marksman Rifles
0 / 82,000 DMR Score << hmmm ;)
Well instead of my k/d going up, it went down last night, first time ever! :(

Think I'll be on a fair bit throughout today, probably after 1pm....

I've still got those tins in the cupboard if you want them... Should still be in date :p:D

lol :D

It gets proper confusing us being split on both teams yet all calling out stuff on ts, my brain goes into full tard mode sometimes.

Had a bunch of fun on zavod though trying to keep josh and quiche boy at bay from nexus' many jihad quad runs lol

Yup, that was rather annoying! Gord etc. saying something and then me thinking he is talking to us...

Also quite hard to make out what is going on when you got like 13+ on TS lol..... Joined 10HZ TS to give joe etc. abuse via soundboard but had to leave as way too many people on there as well!

Ah zavod and josh the MBT law noob :D

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