Kawusa has a bit of red looking at his stats Nexus, and loads of orange. I was curious what the difference is with a supposed great player to a supposed cheater on that database. http://bf4db.com/players/13299/weapons
I'm not sure this database is conclusive evidence looking just at the numbers. I can only go by what I see in a game, then if the numbers back up my suspicions then you have a hacker, like that underscore *****. 530 kills to 75 deaths on a Conquest game with 107% accuracy lol, when the closest to him was 94 kills by a teammate. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/battlereport/show/1/441326834794793280/930782142/ You don't need to be a genius to put 2 and 2 together and come up with 4, this is what I call a cast on obvious cheater, there's not an ounce of doubt. These *****s should not be allowed on Origin or any game. Can't believe this tard is still raging on servers. Gr8 job Dice/EA
Spoken to some admins over at BF4DB about why is he playing on BF4 if he is banned there, apparently he's only banned on the servers they protect. It's not an EA/BF4 ban.
send id to this guy https://twitter.com/Vincent0K