The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Kawusa has a bit of red looking at his stats Nexus, and loads of orange. I was curious what the difference is with a supposed great player to a supposed cheater on that database.

I'm not sure this database is conclusive evidence looking just at the numbers. I can only go by what I see in a game, then if the numbers back up my suspicions then you have a hacker, like that underscore *****. 530 kills to 75 deaths on a Conquest game with 107% accuracy lol, when the closest to him was 94 kills by a teammate. You don't need to be a genius to put 2 and 2 together and come up with 4, this is what I call a cast on obvious cheater, there's not an ounce of doubt. These *****s should not be allowed on Origin or any game. Can't believe this tard is still raging on servers. Gr8 job Dice/EA

Spoken to some admins over at BF4DB about why is he playing on BF4 if he is banned there, apparently he's only banned on the servers they protect. It's not an EA/BF4 ban.

send id to this guy
Kawusa has a bit of red looking at his stats Nexus, and loads of orange. I was curious what the difference is with a supposed great player to a supposed cheater on that database.

I'm not sure this database is conclusive evidence looking just at the numbers. I can only go by what I see in a game, then if the numbers back up my suspicions then you have a hacker, like that underscore *****. 530 kills to 75 deaths on a Conquest game with 107% accuracy lol, when the closest to him was 94 kills by a teammate. You don't need to be a genius to put 2 and 2 together and come up with 4, this is what I call a cast on obvious cheater, there's not an ounce of doubt. These *****s should not be allowed on Origin or any game. Can't believe this tard is still raging on servers. Gr8 job Dice/EA

Spoken to some admins over at BF4DB about why is he playing on BF4 if he is banned there, apparently he's only banned on the servers they protect. It's not an EA/BF4 ban.

I was talking about the main bar :



Have played with and against kawusa in both bf 3 and 4 and honestly he just seems like an excellent player.

Another top player, one of westie's friends:

Again, no red.

Of course that site won't pick up on things like wall hacks or macro/no recoil configs.

Just looking at the battle reports before that zavod game and they didn't do too well, nothing they could do against tanks!

underscoreplus = rage quit with 8-13
Kumal = 22-13

underscoreplus = 1-5


I should have got in the aa, lav or tank on zavod!
Be aware guys that when dealing with shotgun stats it is easy and somewhat likely to have an accuracy of over 100%. For quite a time I had 140-170% accuracy with USAS in BF3 where I played a lot of metro and used to use it exclusively to clear red stairs with flacette rounds.
some bloke on youtube told them. And his mate told him ...

I doubt its packetloss personally.

Well I was proved right

If you click on the phantom picture in battlelog on the leaderboards, it gives you the option to enter the password

The old password of BUMPINTHENIGHT no longer works, so its now been changed for phantom trainee. But PACKETLOSS doesn't work either.
Be aware guys that when dealing with shotgun stats it is easy and somewhat likely to have an accuracy of over 100%. For quite a time I had 140-170% accuracy with USAS in BF3 where I played a lot of metro and used to use it exclusively to clear red stairs with flacette rounds.


I have 93.5% accuracy with the 870MCS and I use a controller :D
Well I was proved right

If you click on the phantom picture in battlelog on the leaderboards, it gives you the option to enter the password

The old password of BUMPINTHENIGHT no longer works, so its now been changed for phantom trainee. But PACKETLOSS doesn't work either.

Everyone knew it wasn't going to be packetloss, well apart from the retards on the BL forums.... :p
lol you should have see this guy Joe :p pulling off some ridiculous shots and seemingly never missing and bullets/pellets doing insane damage :p

he was at about 20-25 yards ingame, using the flat spray shotgun muzzle. I could even see I was between the buck shots but yet like 2 insta shots and dead. no headshot... I mean hell! some times It's hard enough to get an upclose kill with a shotgun with all the pellets hitting the guy.

I did also fly over him in a little bird... like swooping and from behind. once I was at tree level above him he swiveled and I took one or two hits.... pretty damn good aim to react that fast, turn, and lead aim on the chopper with a shotgun through trees xD

another instance I was in the tunnel of C-D connector (this is all on zavod btw) by the C wall so capping but not actually in the underground room and a few of the ocuk guys ran up past me... they all insta died pretty much. whilst their bodies were still falling I approached the corner to go and peek, didn't even peak but saw pellets go past the corner and I was dead :\

anywhoooo. always fun to get kills on them after and they didn't win the round so oh well :p

also good games good games :D and LOLOLOL at them thinking you were all admins ;)
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Battletards on the BL forums seem certain the password is packetloss... :D

Though we don't even know how to unlock it yet, I'm guessing it will be in the update tomorrow.

Rumour is the actual challenge may require 200 pistol kills, 2 shotgun ribbons in one round and 20 jet kills.

Meh to the jet kills :(
Is it bad that I think I will find the shotgun ribbons the hardest part. I think I will have to get the Spas 12 out for some games on Locker.
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Rumour is the actual challenge may require 200 pistol kills, 2 shotgun ribbons in one round and 20 jet kills.

Meh to the jet kills :(

Yeah I saw that on Reddit...

t['WARSAW_ID_P_XP2_AWARD_GHOST_CRIT1']="Score 200 kills with pistols";
t['WARSAW_ID_P_XP2_AWARD_GHOST_CRIT2']="Score 20 kills in a jet";
t['WARSAW_ID_P_XP2_AWARD_GHOST_CRIT3']="Get 2x Shotgun Ribbons in a round";
t['WARSAW_ID_P_XP2_AWARD_GHOST_DESC']="Unlocks Phantom weapon and vehicle camo";

Not sure if trolling though.
I'm kind of surprised that the server lasted as long as it did.

Usually after around 1-2 rounds most people on the opposition team have quit, I had ten rounds on that server and it was only in the last one, Hainan, that the server died population wise.
ay probably as it wasn't always a full flag cap due to captain hacks :p giving the team a chance.... poor naive ******** :p
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