The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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1. jump in attack jet on paracel storm
2. get someone in the aa and a decent stealth jet to keep the enemy jets down
3. farm boat kills
4. ?????
5. profit

That's why it sucks being an xbox 1 player, don't really have any friends who are decent jet pilots
That's why it sucks being an xbox 1 player, don't really have any friends who are decent jet pilots

There are some good tutorials on the web. Binding pitch up to a key will get you 80% of the way. Speed control in this game is very easy compared to BF3.

I mean if Nexus is flying :p
There are some good tutorials on the web. Binding pitch up to a key will get you 80% of the way. Speed control in this game is very easy compared to BF3.

I mean if Nexus is flying :p

OI! :mad:

COME 1VS1 BRO!?!?!



on a side note, this dlc can't come soon enough, game is getting damn boring again!

BF 3 last night was great fun just running around m16medictrainYOLO
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I don't see how you can game competitively online in BF5 when theres so much crap going on with the coding functions we now call "net code". You can never be 100% sure that what you're seeing client side is the same as whats happening server side.

That's not the basis for a fun competitive game.
Had to rage quit from that server on bf 4 now, siege of shanghai such a **** map when your team are **** and the enemy team are roof camping little faggots that just keep jumping down to flags and spamming their noob javelins


Time to give bf 4 a break....

It's just a little ironic don't you think :)

I am raping in bf 3 jets as well now :p :D Back when I was complaining about them, I didn't:

- have space set to pitch up
- didn't know turning speed
- didn't use full/big map

Although still get my ass handed against the "big boys".....

Personally I find the controls to be roughly the same and what you have to do to be more or less the same...

Can rape far more easily in bf 3 jets due to the super short CM reload time, spotting, no limited ammo, no activ gaydar missiles and nice open maps with no cover from aircraft.

And yup, I said it from the start, how on earth can this game ever be considered "competitive", far too many bugs etc. and the netcode is still laughable.....

Heck even fanboy lvlcap was slating the netcode in his latest video....
SR2 unlocked, boat whoring. :D

OMFG javlins are way too OP ****ing lock ons all the time. They are the new LAW....
For some reason can't play the game before about 9pm or so :| as per my posts before and thinking the user.cfg (deleted it fairly well into the evening and it was running fine after that) thing had fixed it - the days I get off work early and try to play just hard locks every 5 minutes but as soon as it gets into the evening for some reason I can play fine for hours on end :|

So been playing from 9pm til now (23:21) not a single crash so far - between about 4pm and 5pm I could not play for more than 5 minutes tops - usually between 3 minutes and 5 minutes after joining = hardlock... stupidly broken game. (4th time I've tried playing earlier in the day with exactly the same story but as soon as I try in the evening its fine).
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100% bang on. I won't be pre-ordereding BF5.

I agree.

My view of EA (which was very low to begin with) has dropped through the floor and my confidence in DICE to be able to fix the game is non-existent. I have been waiting years, hoping to see a new Battlefront game but I have no trust in DICE to deliver it at the standards that I expect.
Shame coz I really enjoy the idea of the game (and when its mostly working as intended), some balance issues aside but most of the time its more frustrating to play than fun :S

TBH a lot of the problems seem to stem from the work of 1-2 people at the interface layer between engine code and game design implementation - fire those people (literally or light one under them) and possibly future games wouldn't be so bad but not a chance I'm willing to take right now.
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