The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Cod with the KAR98 or Lee enfield was fantastic fun, no fancy scopes or anything like that. It was great when taking on moving targets, took a bit of time to learn how far to lead in front of your target. Unlike bf4 where quite often shooting at where they have come from gets better results.
i only played kar98, mosin bolt rifle in cod 1 :cool: mostly in uo aswell .

after that everything changed cod 2 (lead title for xbox 360 launch )
Lee enfield was my personal fave, or the us M1 garand. Used it quite a bit at the finish in bfbc2, aggressive recon with c4. Quite a challenge going up against people armed with modern assault rifles. Speaking of bfbc2, im thinking about reinstalling it again. No bf game since comes close to it for weapon handling. The only improvements in bf3/4 are the ability to strafe/look around while moving.
Yup, I have given up with infantry play now, game and netcode is just too **** for it!

Go back to BF 3 and even with the ****** suppression system, it is just far better imo.

Love my foot rest, it doubles as a boxing bag, when I am raging I kick the living ****e out of it!

haha can just imagine that! :D
Honestly game is a ****** joke and I can't wait until something replaces it, almost to the point of turning to CSGO but I played the **** out of CS back in the day and it doesn't quite replace the COD or BF type experience.

Sadly I'm starting to feel the same way.

I played CS from Beta 7 through (I think the Colt still had a scope on it at this point) all the way though to 1.3. I can still remember the bunny hoping on DE_DUST. Was a great time :D

So I share your views :)
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A server that ive joined Dg on quite often is normally fantastic for reg, (noobs united tdm). However i went onto it last night and it was woeful, players warping everywhere, very poor reg/sync issues. Just go's to show how random the issues can be.

Earlier in the evening i popped onto our own server, (cq247 metro 1000 ticket 64 player cq). My ping was at 100 or so, (normally 60 ono). Had an awesome round, finished mvp, (rare for me lol). Reg was absolutely perfect, managed some nice long range kills which were more reminiscent of metro on bf3.

Beating down nubiles? For shame on you both!!
COD2 Rifle Only servers is the most fun I ever had in gaming, probably also the most game I played.

I've played BF4 for 3 days now since it came free with my 290 Sapphire Tri X. Game is broken but most importantly NOT fun. All these gadgets all these scopes and these crunches.. Glad I never bought it. But I have to say I'm extremely impressed by Mantle, I game at all ultra no AA and average 100-110 mostly, great stuff!
Put BF4 on it at least, unless it's already on an SSD. Loading takes 30 seconds instead of 3 or more minutes now I moved BF4 from HDD to SSD. So nice :).

Also really liking the SR-2 PDW.
BF 4 is already on a SSD but running out of space on that one so will be using this new SSD purely for games.

My internet must be ****** the last few days though as I now seem to be one of the last few in the game.....

Yup the SR 2 is very good pdw.


yup cba reinstalling windows, programs etc. so just sticking with W7 for now.......
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COD2 Rifle Only servers is the most fun I ever had in gaming, probably also the most game I played.

I've played BF4 for 3 days now since it came free with my 290 Sapphire Tri X. Game is broken but most importantly NOT fun. All these gadgets all these scopes and these crunches.. Glad I never bought it. But I have to say I'm extremely impressed by Mantle, I game at all ultra no AA and average 100-110 mostly, great stuff!

Give it another go, and set your server filters to: TDM and Domination, name includes "bolt".

Look for "bolt rifle only" servers and have a blast. Some even require iron sights only.

Lovely. Best (i.e. least stressful, most fun) way to play.
Ah superb!

Have put BF 4 onto the new ssd and now apparently I don't have second assault oh and to make things even better! My game keeps switching to windowed mode despite it being set to fullscreen.........


tried a few "fixes" but they don't work thus the game is broken for me now



windowed problem solved:

change to bordeless and then full screen

Now onto the second assault one again........
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