The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Well I installed this game last night for the first time ever. Tried to get on a server, and the load screen pops up for example...

Sieg of Shanghai

And then nothing happens, just seems like the loading screen is there forever.

Any fix?

Battlog just says "loading level"

If you have "user.cfg" in the game directory, remove the following entry if present:

> UI.DrawEnable
cs is just as bad :p

Hope that's tongue-in-cheek :p

In several years of no-life level CSS play I never once saw a player as spongy as most are in recent BF titles. The sad thing is, EA/DICE seem unwilling to increase the tick rate to even a comparatively "meh" 30, let alone 50+. I guess they're using some kind of server virtualization to squeeze more money per box, but then that would be EA's call.

On a decent server & connection I'm pretty sure you can reduce interp to 0 in CS and it functions flawlessly (or at least it did in ~2007, the last time I played Source). I can only imagine it's as good, if not better with CSGO [allegedly] supporting 128 tick.

Moreover, I'm surprised to see so many defending BF4's netcode all over the internet... ranging from ignorance to apologeticism.
"It's perfect, get skillz scrub"
"They couldn't increase the tick rate even if they wanted to, [we/they] don't have the [bandwidth/processing power/fairy dust] to make it work"

Now bear with me. In 2005, I was playing on 20-man 66-tick Source servers with zero choke/loss on a ping of 10~20ms, on a lowly 1mbps Wanadoo Broadband connection, via a cheap Belkin wireless router which loved to drop-out every few hours for no apparent reason. My CPU was a single core 2.4ghz Athlon 64 3400+ /anecdote

Sure, BF4 isn't hitscan, and has a "realistic" ballistic model, with destructible buildings and deformable terrain. In its current state it's also a complete joke competitively.

Call me self-entitled, whatever... as far as I'm concerned, there's no excuse for a 2013 game's netplay being unable to perform as well as a game almost a decade older, with our rigs being god-knows how much more powerful and our connections being -in my case- up to 100x faster.
funny thing is some of these are not playing bf4 for bad reg but cs is just as bad :p

CS wasn't flawless but increasing the rates helped a lot and mostly it was just learning how the hit box was different to the visual position of the model it was never as inconsistent as bf4 - there was a certain consistency to CS's bad reg lol.

I mean IIRC I first played CS on a Pentium 1 with dialup and it was pretty much on par with BF4 "netcode" wise only less glitchy completely random ways of falling apart in a firefight than happens in BF4 - try using a sniper rifle with canted sights for a bit especially on a semi busy server on lockers :s it eye opening for just how bad it is. I especially like all the instances of killing someone and the weapon animation and firing sound delayed 2 seconds.
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Call me self-entitled, whatever... as far as I'm concerned, there's no excuse for a 2013 game's netplay being unable to perform as well as a game almost a decade older, with our rigs being god-knows how much more powerful and our connections being -in my case- up to 100x faster.

i agree on that totally go fire up any decent old fps title like cod 1, uo, cod 2 cod 4, moh 2010 check the reg on those you shoot it hits that simple.

how can we get worse with better tech.
Call me self-entitled, whatever... as far as I'm concerned, there's no excuse for a 2013 game's netplay being unable to perform as well as a game almost a decade older, with our rigs being god-knows how much more powerful and our connections being -in my case- up to 100x faster.

There is soooooo much more going on in a single 64 man BF4 game on Paracel Storm for instance, however I do agree with this statement.

They have not got the basics right with the current version of Frostbite. I say current version because there seem to have been huge differences between each title which may suggest that the poor hit reg is more avoidable than we think.
Nuts, kinda wanted the tactical knife in the premium battlepack today. Instead got the Seal knife.

Am I right in thinking that the other knives only get unlocked via premium battlepacks or promotion battlepacks?
oh had an epic round on friday/saturday night!! Rogue transmission, started off in a T.. straight to E, D then down to this point enemies we closing in on C too. tank almost got blasted but luckily... the AA just spawned :D yoinked that and retreated back to base :p I then set up camp between E and D on the Hill and proceeded to be an annoyance to the enemy :3

I ended the round on 28-0 ;) and that's not to say I didn't get everything thrown at me!!!! but that made it that much more fun ;) think my best run/panic kill streak was, I was up by D then had a jet lining me up and gunning... I hit reverse and boost and held them hold......when I released I was back in my deployment... but, in that distance I took down a ramming jet. a ramming heli. some good shots off on the AC-130 and took down another jet, maybe some hits on the transport heli too.

they must have been so mad!!! everything was literally dying and crashing into the ground just infront of me xD

then on my way back to position had a cheeky guy try to c4/slam me.... he failed... then they tried sneaking round the hill at the back of D.... nope.jpg... I can't allow that xD

ok so our team lost.... can't blame me though as I was quite clearly keeping the attention of and obliterating anything that was in the air.... and any lose inf I could see. like snipers on top of the supporting towers for the dish xD

p.s. also now a premium sell out :p but for £18 from mexico ;)
Is there actually a difference in the knives, even a different animation?

Do any of you lot play CTF?

Looking forward to Naval strike although in many ways I think the new content is coming too quickly.
Is there actually a difference in the knives, even a different animation?

Do any of you lot play CTF?

Looking forward to Naval strike although in many ways I think the new content is coming too quickly.

don't think there is any animation difference just the look of the knife. only done a few and don't knife often so can't say with 100% confidence.

haven't yet in BF4 but use to love it on BF3.... just always epic when you and a buddy get a dirt bike and get in and out and cap the flag without the enemy team even seeming to realise xD not to mention the giant jumps to make you feel like a boss xD

but yeah.... games been out how long and they are already on the 3rd? dlc? that's after they said all work on DLC would stop until they fixed the game.... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL we all fell sucka for that didn't we xD

but yeah.... games been out how long and they are already on the 3rd? dlc? that's after they said all work on DLC would stop until they fixed the game.... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL we all fell sucka for that didn't we xD

I think they have to get the DLC's out to keep peoples interest in a game that is still not finished. I would imagine its different sections of Dice that work on the DLC'S/fixing game so nothing lost there.

They really need to give us better hitreg as more than anything its killing the popularity of the game.
Could be another 3 months before they fix the netcode but at least they acknowledge the problem now.

First step to fixing a problem is acknowledging in public that you have one.

I don't think fixing the tick rate is a trivial task though, Carmack had to wait until Quake 3 to resolve the error he made in Quake 2 by reducing Quakeworlds tick rate (hz)....
don't think there is any animation difference just the look of the knife. only done a few and don't knife often so can't say with 100% confidence.

haven't yet in BF4 but use to love it on BF3.... just always epic when you and a buddy get a dirt bike and get in and out and cap the flag without the enemy team even seeming to realise xD not to mention the giant jumps to make you feel like a boss xD

but yeah.... games been out how long and they are already on the 3rd? dlc? that's after they said all work on DLC would stop until they fixed the game.... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL we all fell sucka for that didn't we xD

I had a quick game of CTF on Caspian border the other day which was fun, only four of us playing though, so not a serious game.
(Was on a team with someone called X-WesTi-X who I mistakenly thought was cG-Westie.)

The thing about the DLC and premium that EA obviously don't get is that if they just increased the price of the main game by £10, then everyone could get all the DLC, and the online community wouldn't get so fractured which can kill a game.
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Is there actually a difference in the knives, even a different animation?

Nope, it's just the look of the knife. The Fairbairn-Sykes knife is a properly boss knife though (developed in WWII for the British Commandos, SAS, and others) and was the basis for many other knives including the US's own fighting knife IIRC. Still used by our Marines and quite a few other countries in fact.

But I suppose the factions in BF4 are the US, Ruskies and Chinese so it doesn't really make sense to have it in. It's just be a nice little tidbit to have in, considering the L85A2 and L96A1 are in.
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