The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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There is also allot of BS in this game as well. Between the 'netcode' and UAV/Commander its kind of difficult to validate anything.
Just reading through the battlelog comments for the Naval Strike delay. Damm them fanboys be ****ed off. The amount of rage is unreal! I'm glad the folks on here are more sensible.

Battlelol is full of retards anyway, I just read threads for a laugh.

Some of my favourite threads:
- Flanking is a cheap tactic
- Shooting players in the back means you have no skill, I will wrek you, 1v1 me
- Revive system is ****, bring back old system
- I am a die hard infantry player and hate BF4 Metro (yet this person only played Metro in bf3 and spammed the m320):rolleyes:

To those who have sent me friend requests, sorry..doing 8vs8, Symthic and LVLBF means I have no space.

I#d just like to say I play all aspects of the game...loved BF3 Metro..but BF4 metro is utterly terribad. 32 Player no explosive it's bearable but due to the game mechanics changing from BF3 to BF4 metro is just ****
It wouldn't be too bad if the MP-APS stopped all the grenade spam as well as RPGs

At least then you could put a couple of them on side stairs / front stairs and actually try and shoot the M320 noobs sitting at the back of the map. Most of the time when you peak around the elevators its the grenade spam that gets you, not bullets.

Will have to wait and see how this patch goes with the LVG nerf and grenade resupply nerf.
I've been playing CQ on metro a lot recently, but on no explosive servers.

Recently the games have seemed to ebb and flow quite well, only occasionally does one team get forced back to spawn.

I think the thing that works well in metro is that for each route you take defending or assaulting flag B, there is only so far you can go without getting exposed. You can push up one flank, but if another group doesn't push up the other at the same time you'll get be exposed and get pushed back. I think the lifts add a new dimension as well.

I'd hate the map with explosives TBH.

I haven't seen a good round of rush on metro yet though, but I haven't played many rounds.
#bc2nostalgiaallovertheplace :p

lol joe, ya just too popular xD though I've had a few friend requests from fellows here. upon looking through my friends list.... I have no randoms :p I know everyone! so it's hard giving the axe to people, but I do and just do it on the basis of who hasn't been on for ages/who is likely to return/who I would love to see come back. then give someone the boot.

no idea why it's limited to 100 people. just stupid really. just double it. problem solved haha....for now ;)
I was like that in BF3, can't be arsed now! I like my KD too much!

Inpromtu day off today, drunk some soya milk that had turned this morning, spewing my guts up. Joy - I miss normal milk...

That doesn't sound pleasant. Are you lactose intolerant?
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To those who have sent me friend requests, sorry..doing 8vs8, Symthic and LVLBF means I have no space.

I#d just like to say I play all aspects of the game...loved BF3 Metro..but BF4 metro is utterly terribad. 32 Player no explosive it's bearable but due to the game mechanics changing from BF3 to BF4 metro is just ****

Is that why we're no longer friends on battlelog any more :(
I was like that in BF3, can't be arsed now! I like my KD too much!

Inpromtu day off today, drunk some soya milk that had turned this morning, spewing my guts up. Joy - I miss normal milk...

I only drink soya milk as well and now dont even like the taste of cows milk lol
Hope you feel better soon as gone off soya is rank.
Shame about NS but rather it works than doesn't.

I play lots of different modes, loving metro/locker no explosive it's great in small teams
unlocked the Gol magnum and it's my fav sniper rifle so far, very quick ROF was getting kills all over the place with it yesterday.

Protip: Use the pokeballs over C4 on infantry maps
That doesn't sound pleasant. Are you lactose intolerant?

Have some dodgy stomach issues, they think dairy is a trigger for what they think is Crohns. Sucks cos I love me dairy.

I only drink soya milk as well and now dont even like the taste of cows milk lol
Hope you feel better soon as gone off soya is rank.

Ta bud

Not even sure if i've ever tried soya milk tbh, might give it a try.

Its nice, as Tony said the Hazelnut is lovely on its own. This one was a cheapo from Tesco so not sure if they have different stuff in them. Will have to go back to reading every sodding ingrediant on everything I buy again. Did this for almost 3 years, shopping took forever. In the end the wife refused to let me go. Lol

Might be about tonight from my death bed.
DLC postponed until april. I was a bit annoyed yesterday at the late notice. I had planned to use up some annual leave before it gets lost in march only to find out on the day that it has been delayed. Still had a nice day off but still annoying that they even mess up a dlc release dates. Last time i take anything dice says seriously.

The problems they said have delayed the release seem silly, performance problems? there has always been performance problems. I've never played such a half job unoptimised game in all my life.
Is that why we're no longer friends on battlelog any more :(

Yep :'(

Being part of a few communities / teams keeps it filled (and ever changing). With a new Level Battlefield season starting I can only see it being even more of a pain in the ass.

Pretty sure I have you on steam and facebook still Mr Bear but if not
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