Just reading through the battlelog comments for the Naval Strike delay. Damm them fanboys be ****ed off. The amount of rage is unreal! I'm glad the folks on here are more sensible.
Haven't played a good round of rush since BC2 TBH.
I was like that in BF3, can't be arsed now! I like my KD too much!
Inpromtu day off today, drunk some soya milk that had turned this morning, spewing my guts up. Joy - I miss normal milk...
To those who have sent me friend requests, sorry..doing 8vs8, Symthic and LVLBF means I have no space.
I#d just like to say I play all aspects of the game...loved BF3 Metro..but BF4 metro is utterly terribad. 32 Player no explosive it's bearable but due to the game mechanics changing from BF3 to BF4 metro is just ****
I was like that in BF3, can't be arsed now! I like my KD too much!
Inpromtu day off today, drunk some soya milk that had turned this morning, spewing my guts up. Joy - I miss normal milk...
That doesn't sound pleasant. Are you lactose intolerant?
I only drink soya milk as well and now dont even like the taste of cows milk lol
Hope you feel better soon as gone off soya is rank.
Not even sure if i've ever tried soya milk tbh, might give it a try.
Is that why we're no longer friends on battlelog any more![]()