I got a message that I was kicked for running a program that PB didn't like. Other than BF4 that was all that was running. I did see a message from EA/Dice saying there had been some spawning issues and updating the PB files may fix it so maybe they have changed something.
6 days clean, will be back tomorrow night for some ownage. Need to DL the patch still.
definitely you should only play fps with no acceleration but it may take you a while to adjust. once you used to it you should do better though.
why should you disable it?
i would say you've been missed, but its been so peaceful without you raging
Jesus titty ****ing Christ.
I have one hour to play before doing dinner and going out.
Can I connect a game?
****ing ****** c'ting game.
Sorry for potty mouth.
Getting loads of deaths now from people with 0 health and hitreg for me is terrible after this patch it was fine before
Thanks for the scrim tonight fellas, shame we got a real pasting, but playing Softcore was like night and day compare to HC.
Decided to give the disabling mouse precision a go, within 5 minutes of playing I start getting vertical lines down the screen and I get disconnected. Turn it back on in Windows and I can play as normal. I do however feel slightly more accurate with it off as a lot of you guys have experienced, but I can't get more than 5 mins without bombing out.