Tip for anyone who HATES sniping, but has OCD such that you desperately need to unlock every weapon including the FY-JS sniper rifle and thus need to get 50 marksman ribbons, but would normally cringe at the idea of camping in the hills or roof somewhere to get one off 250m+ headshots every 10 minutes on a conquest map or other.
Solution, the "Oh my guts" 400 ticket 64 player TDM server. 400 tickets gives you plenty of time to tot up 50-150m headshots to get you the ribbons, which on normal 100 ticket TDM servers you couldn't guarantee getting enough shots in before round end, and you don't have to do any solitary hill or roof camping. 64 players means you have plenty of fellow sniping noobs doing exactly the same thing on the other side of the maps to wrack up headshots from. In fact, this server is probably at least 40-50% snipers at all times.
Of course there are many sniper only servers, but I've not found any with more than 200 tickets other than this one.
This server is a godsend to a sniping hater like me, to the point that I am actually sort of enjoying sniping, which worries me a bit :ekk: