The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Well tonight i got shot by a sniper when i was in a lift haha
Never mind shooting round corners this guy shot me in a moving lift which isnt on view....
Reasons like this are why i gave up on b4 in the first place

Lifts don't move. They stay exactly where they are then after X Seconds you get teleported to the opposite lift ;)
Lifts don't move. They stay exactly where they are then after X Seconds you get teleported to the opposite lift ;)

Hate how it messes with the sound - can still hear the sounds around the bottom of the lift like they are on the same level as you when your supposedly about "half way" up :( yet another cheap cop out by the fail programmers at dice. (Also means you can payload a lift, send it up and detonate).
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I know most of you guys are playing normal mode, but if anyone is interested I have a HC server which I setup. Only just opened last night so dont expect a busy server and dont be surprised if you see some [Mr] and [TDA] doing stupid things.... ;)

Added to list in OP.
Sorry lads, was falling asleep at the computer last night, decided to have an early night, and managed to get 12h in 10-10. Much needed.

Should be about tonight.
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