The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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its out feb but no actual date confirmed ive asked a few people but no one will comment probably as they'll get there ass chewed :D

well see :p
Every game I try and join it just says "cannot connect". Getting bored of all the issues with this now.

Try joining a server with plenty of spaces (more than 4). Its an issue I think when the server is full or very nearly full.

Nearly unlocked the dmr's after starting them saturday morning , not as bad as I was thinking they would be. Just stuck with the 1st unlock one. Whats with the huge gap to get the last 2 , massive points gaps...unlocked the 4th or 5th one and thought this wont take long and then saw the points needed for last 2 , WTF..
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25 minutes later trying to join a server..................

25 minutes of trying to join a server, get in 2 minutes before end of the map, game goes into an infinite black loading screen forcing eventual task kill coz dice haven't even bothered to put a quit/exit command in the "console" (console can still be opened on the black screen)... seriously can't wait til theres another similiar style game out that I can get my fix from :| I'd even go back to play MW2 if it was properly active without having to use silly hacked lobbies, etc.
Working fine for me today, no errors connecting. Infact just had 3 amazing rounds in a row with some cracking shots! Took out a plane by killing the driver with my sniper rifle :O only managed that on heli pilots before.
Whats the best way to employ SLAM's? Normally a land mine man myself, but started using theese today. Im currently just dropping them like mines in choke points.

Also unlocked the ACE 52, seems good but no accessories for it yet. Any reccomendations on grips, sights etc.
Also unlocked the ACE 52, seems good but no accessories for it yet. Any reccomendations on grips, sights etc.

Coyote and Angled is what I run, makes it much easier, think I either have compressor or muzzle brake too.
Cheers guys, ill play a few rounds of tdm with it to unlock a few odds and sods. Been using the AKU lately as engineer, and tbh it's woeful at anything over 20m.
n00b advice alert....Compensator or Suppressor, there is no magic compressor attachment :p

Yeah thats what I meant. Compensator. Sorry Yoda :o

And Tony I have taken my suppressors off atm. Can't seem to get it working how it did. My aim is back to being like JG's utter utter tripe. :D
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