Time for a break from this game, too
****ing irritating lately...
- whoever thought the gunship was a good idea needs to be fired... it was a
****ing PITA in bf 3 and is still a PITA in bf 4
- scrubs that just spend their entire
****ing time with stingers...
- brain dead morons that stand at the doors spamming grenades and don't go outside so allow half the enemy team to flank, GG...
- noob jet pilots that fly over their base for auto aa (don't mind the attack doing it if against the stealth)
- people that bipod and don't move the entire round........
Had to laugh last night though, playing on the KOF server and was in aa on paracel, got killed by admin for apparently "shooting into the enemy spawn", oh wait you mean the LB that always just kept flying back to their carrier as soon as got even a little bit of damage

At least they didn't kick/ban me though as had a few hackusations and abuse and instead they kicked those guys
Playing on any server with those GC guys is completely and utterly boring, regardless of what side you are on, every match just ends up base rape within 5 minutes when on with them zzzzzzzzzzzz. Haven't seen a "pro" clan "try hard" as much as them in pub, love to go on their TS, can just imagine how seriously they take the game, rule = only tactic talk!
So yeah, will be playing some bf 3 and maybe even cs go and then back for the roof camping DLC maps on Tuesday.
Really can't wait for the HUD/UI tweak settings, going from cte to standard again is horrible, it just looks like a kid has taken crayons and scribbled everywhere.
ok new patch for cte bf 4, so probably be playing it