The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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I got everything on low/of except:

texture quality, filtering and quality set to high and mesh set to ultra.

I do find it harder to spot people with texture quality set to high though...

Despite saying I was going to take a break earlier, ended up playing :p :o Had great games with keruffle etc.

Now rank 121 and I got another 200xp boost :D Must have like 7-9 200 xp boosts (and have used about 4 as well!!)

Also played cte rush earlier as well, flood zone is SOOOO much better now, completely changed that map for rush.

Wonder if the netcode/hit reg. will be as good in standard bf 4 with the next patch...
Need lighting at low and ambient occlusion off with this game if your taking it half seriously anyhow :( as otherwise the inside of buildings when looking into them from outside is extra dark. IIRC I have textures and mesh ultra and most other settings on low = hold 125fps capped (reduced tearing on 120hz with vsync off).

Hmmmmmm might try it also tbh

I run 144Hz but tbh there's no diff - at least to me - between 144 and 120. Might reduce it to 120 on the monitor and cap the game at 125... and see if it works

I do agree somewhat with dark inside areas...
It doesn't get rid of tearing entirely but it does generally mean you don't tend to get the ripple in the middle of the screen like you can do with other framerate settings and without the big swing in framerate if you leave it on the default cap and then run into a firefight.

144Hz with vsync on is probably acceptable if you can hold it most of the time - I find 120Hz vsync very close to being acceptable input lag wise but not quite, I usually do it for single player but not MP.
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Anyone have issues with downloading yesterdays patch? Started to get it last night, only for it to start of fine then drop to 0 before getting download failed error. When i try to resume it will sometimes start then stop or just sit there with the message "resuming download" for a few minutes before once again failing.
So got myself a 256GB Samsung 840 Pro SSD for ok money to put some games on. Check the size of my Program Files x86 folder on my second HDD to see how much I could put on the SSD, after 600GB I just laughed and cancelled it.
So tried the Origin folder, 153GB... Seriously EA wtf, I only have BF3, BF4 and Titanfall in there.

Anyhow, putting BF4 onto the SSD to see how things go. Really getting the upgrade itch though. That Asus ROG 27" monitor is tempting, but that will definitely require some upgrades.
Utter destruction vs the MLG guys. Complete and utter annihilation. Our team regularly not dying once throughout the game, winning while losing 5% of the tickets... Just no hope for them.
Utter destruction vs the MLG guys. Complete and utter annihilation. Our team regularly not dying once throughout the game, winning while losing 5% of the tickets... Just no hope for them.

Some of the guys probably should have switched sides to try to even the odds a bit.

I only connected for a min to make sure that BF4 was now redirected/loading from the SSD, then had to make dinner.

Is the MLG server run by some of the people of here?
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