The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Just had a rather good game on the new map propaganda. Was a close game as well with 83 tickets remaining and a constant shift between who held the most points throughout. Even though theres a tank on the map, its very easy to defend against it on all points apart from the first before each spawn. Some really nice choke points as well at B and C especially, creating some rather nice gameplay.

I had a go with that new bot thing and at short to medium range, its crazy. Didn't even bother using the nades it has seen as the machine gun is so powerful. Unlike the maps I played yesterday, this one has a lot of cover on it, making moving up to the next point far easier.

The level which is basically a city and you have to control the rooftops to realistically win is very 1 sided when enough people do secure the roof of 2 or more buildings. Its extremely hard to flush them out as well. Loads of people are complaining about the map I mean but I honestly cannot remember its name :P Reminds me of one of the BF4 launch maps though which I'm not a fan of, but this is better (no water for a start).
Nice to see a couple of the OcUK guys join us last night. Great fun cheers guys :)

I popped in for a quick round, didn't do so well, but was in an epic squad.

Seemed a friendly server unlike one I joined yesterday where one guy started trying to votekick me for being a noob as soon as I joined. I don't respond to chat as it normally winds up the abuser more and just makes them look like a child. It was quite funny watching the chat as the server started to turn on him. :D

Also had an epic game of chain link last night, it's much faster paced than conquest..
I've seen a few people who looked as if they were flying too, but I think its more a case of warping/banding. Used to see similair in bf3. Game is a bit buggy since the patch and dlc release.
no its not a warp :D

the guys i seen do it run then just start up in the air like a jetpack.

i watched one guy do it clearly on the rooftops map to get ontop of the buildings to snipe people :p

people were going mental at him. next round someone else was flying also.

maybe they hacked the jump cfg so when they jump the hieght or something. they dont go straight up though they do go up like a jetpack :D

so it is a hack found some footage similar

probably modded it too work again now then
no its not a warp :D

the guys i seen do it run then just start up in the air like a jetpack.

i watched one guy do it clearly on the rooftops map to get ontop of the buildings to snipe people :p

people were going mental at him. next round someone else was flying also.

maybe they hacked the jump cfg so when they jump the hieght or something. they dont go straight up though they do go up like a jetpack :D

so it is a hack found some footage similar

probably modded it too work again now then

yep was a hack that was apparently in open beta, you know what, it would explain how certain people are able to get to a flag on the other side of the map and cap completely out of the blue. And no not been a chopper or a beacon. Maybe along with that hack there is some sort of invisibility as well to hide from the radar or screen. Who knows these flipping days, I see so many things that don't ring true.
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Played all the maps last night, their ok not amazing though.

Had a few good games on a server where I noticed an OCUK player :D Think it was the MLG server? Was some good matches and I think the Map with the sunken club is my favorite so far.
Sunken Dragon probably my least favorite of the 4. Still can be fun though, car park at D flag.

Propaganda then Pearl Market then the Garden map.

Shame about all the hate for Pearl Market, I think it is much better than Floodzone. Far more cover from being shot from the rooftops. Plenty of places to duck into and hide/get away if you're under fire. Lots of ways up to the rooftops so pretty easy to flank roof campers. Really fast paced games I've had on it.

Uber close fight had on it last night :)

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