The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Was great, at 15 - 50 tickets enemy team all saying gg we won blah blah. Then they lose :).

MPX is excellent too, my new Engineer weapon.
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hehe nice kerfuffle!

was that on that TE server? talk about clan stacking!! :p think when I joined and the server became full their/your team was about 26/32 players in the clan :p

so many damn snipers everywhere!

also those ****s with higher pings on your team :mad: people with pings ranging from 100-500....seriously..... **** off to a different server :p I expresed my opinion and got told to calm down xD was going to comment back but then was when I noticed how many of the clan were actually in there :p

I don't mind a bit of stacking as obviously you want to play with mates but when it's pretty much the entire team... gets a bit **** :( and that we were constantly down on players :p came second on the last round for our team I think and my score was appalling :p

Nah wasn't on TE server. :)

Played 3 games on TE that night, 1st was pretty balanced, 2nd not so much, 3rd most had gone and I played on team vs TE. There was a lot of TE players, there was a bunch of TF players too just to make it more confusing :).
hehe ay, the sunken dragon map wasn't too bad... the other one though... gardens maybe? that was bull **** :p

and yeah... problem was clan TE or TF.... they were all stacked on the one team xD my side was myself, nuts, and then randoms with maybe one or two TE/TF members :p

so many times would spawn away from the action only to have about 4 snipers looking at me and killing me shortly after spawning :(
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Haven't seen anything of the new maps yet, not even a screenshot so I imagine it will be an eye opener.

Will be online tonight about 22:00 after I've finished with the kids.
Well that course was fun. Cant wait for tomorrow.

Will probably be about tonight. Internet speed/keeping my eyes open depending!
Haven't seen anything of the new maps yet, not even a screenshot so I imagine it will be an eye opener.

Will be online tonight about 22:00 after I've finished with the kids.

to incorrectly quote Pink Floyd.

"Hey! Wndsr! Leave those kids alone!"

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