The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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V_R and others this happened a lot in bf3 too. Not much to do but let the ddos kiddies have their fun.

Frodders BF4 has improved massively over the past few months. The game changing patch came a little while ago bit the one that'll polish it off nicely won't come for another few weeks. HUD reducing / visual recoil removing patch.
V_R and others this happened a lot in bf3 too. Not much to do but let the ddos kiddies have their fun.

Frodders BF4 has improved massively over the past few months. The game changing patch came a little while ago bit the one that'll polish it off nicely won't come for another few weeks. HUD reducing / visual recoil removing patch.
Yep, bit unfortunate but there'll always be a few idiots doing this.

Game is a lot better theese days, particularly with the improvements brought over from CTE. Apart from a bad stutter issue on pearl market the dlc maps are really good. Btw, how you finding the 4770k mate?
Now completely broken for me too. I'd just unlocked the bulldog and had started earning some attachments, and got another mvp in a chainlink round. EA!!
Don't remind me, was so frustrating especially after streaming the servers. Damn kids. :D

IIRC between them and Multiplay we essentially had no server for 1-2 months. Such fun.

Are you about for a game or two of BF3 later? Add me if so and dependent on server I can always use one of my other accounts. Got 4 metabans on my 3rd account now xD

metabans......the usual sign of a badmin :D
I can log in after a few tries and get into servers, but they are mostly empty now.
Any attempt to look at loadout or battle reports leads to you have no soldier when you try an join a game.
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