The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Yeah seen that the other day.

Will contact them anyway and see as this is within warranty, well I think so anyway...

My last mouse mx518 also developed the same problems a few years after usage and logitech were superb, just wanted proof of purchase and sent out a new g400, didn't even need to send my mx518 back.

maybe its your hack program getting in the way of the logitech firmware mate and it's breaking them ;) ;)
And yeah, ramarri wanting me to buy dayz, might get it... does look like it could be rather fun :D

Dayz is amazing fun, annoyingly though, the game frustrates me. It has soooooo much potential but just doesn't go for it enough. I want more games to really play on this style, not necessarily a zombie genre, but a game where your in-game character is totally unique and 1 of a kind. Every action whether good or bad needs to have consequences and the life of your in-game character is as important as ours in the real world. I love the idea of looking after a virtual me, need games to get us immersed in that world more. Games where you can just reload a save, not worry about dying are just meh....I want something that feels where the fear of dying would loose you all your game progress.
I think I found out my lag problem.

One of the ingame options or some of them on higher setting is what making me lag.

When I was first testing I did not restart the game so some settings never changed.
But now restarting after changing the setting on low I have no lag.

And on high even if my vram not hitting the 1Gb limit the lag comes back.
So will be doing more test find out what settings need to lower.

Logitech got back to me and said the warranty stays the same, it doesn't extend with replacement stuff (thought so) so they can't do anything :(

wait... so if somethings goes naff.... you get a BRAND NEW replacement under the warranty... but if that new one goes bust a month later (say after the original warranty runs out) then you're stuffed?

surely that's completely BS on their part?! o.O :(

they're playing the arma2 mods and not dayz standalone btw, so they can drive about, fly helis, build bases etc etc... ;)
wait... so if somethings goes naff.... you get a BRAND NEW replacement under the warranty... but if that new one goes bust a month later (say after the original warranty runs out) then you're stuffed?

surely that's completely BS on their part?! o.O :(

they're playing the arma2 mods and not dayz standalone btw, so they can drive about, fly helis, build bases etc etc... ;)

Pretty much :( Not exactly ideal :/

CBA trying to get something sorted so just said ok thanks anyway and closed the conversation :p

Didn't realise the arma 2 mod and standalone version are that different!

Ok who was the idiot that accepted Raider into the Platoon!

Watch our Platoon KD nose dive now...

That would be me :D :p

Lets just say you will be thanking him on the 30th ;)
Are we on about the mod or the standalone? Don't have standalone :(

Also if we are going to play, which version? Epoch or taviana or what? I'll need to download the right mod and need notice since my Internet will take abot a week :rolleyes:
gotta be Epoch for sure

dont forget chaps, you'll need Arma2 and the expansion pack for the Dayz mod to work.

But i'll be up for it for sure, might be quite interesting a bunch of us running around in amidst the glitchy mess lol.
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Epoch, ArmA2 and expansion packs, actually it's a no from me. Not ploughing money into a game when it is a buggy as that.

Thought we were on about the standalone! Next game I buy will be GTA.
I played GTA to death on 360 got all the spaceship parts, under the bridge and knife flights etc, everyones a billionaire, if the MP was any good I'd probably rebuy it on PC, but not sure I can justify it again as its just not that good.... :/
ay the one I was on about is overpoch, it combines the epoch and overwatch mods to make a super mod? :p

but yeah you need Arma2 and Arma2:OA both installed. do you not have these Josh? :( thought most of the world has them by now with the amount of times they've been on steam sales :p

I've not played the mods on arma2 for ages now.... I basically refuse to go back as it's so clunky :p Arma3 spoiled me really :p what.. with it's amazing performance xD

also I bought the dayz standalone and barely touched it as it ran like dog **** when it first came out, played it a little a week or so ago but as none of my mates were on it.... meh! :p

but I digress....

BF$ (yes a typo.... but actually kinda seems fitting :p the EA/Dice cash cow) ...soon :D all the cruise missiles will be mine! :D (please play on maps which has them :p )

and agree with wndsr! the sun is shining.... to the beer garden!!! :D
No Dayz never interested me, tbh I'm not sure why I posted about being "in" for it.

Pub prices please, I have my feet in a paddling pool and 12 cold bulmers in the fridge for a fraction of the cost!
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