The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Overall yeah it is Josh , But in my defence for a long time I was using an old RAT 5 mouse and it needed changing as it was broken , which I did about a month ago a Deathadder and a nice new 780

and I'll use either Zunis or Active with the 30MM cannon .

But on TDM or Rush.....I'm really bad lol

Lol fair enough dude, I thought Nexus and Stulid were our resident AA whores but I guess you take their title.
Get a DA 2013 Nexus, I love mine. Or a SteelSeries Rival. :)

Only got one thing to do for DT assignments now...

'Win a round of Chainlink with 50 tickets left'

CL never finishes that close! :mad::p
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I love my Corsair M65 it fits my bear sized chubby fingered paws perfectly. However with the dainty child like lady fingers Nexus may or may not have it could be rather big!
Ah you got one of them have you, You like it then? I do like Corsair stuff, never tried their mouse or KB range though.

OMG you have a dedicated sniper button! :eek:
Yeah, looking at mice now, although have to say this deathadder seems to be working fine for me atm, no double clicking *touch wood*, if not and logitech won't do anything, either be deathadder, rival or that new zowie one.

One thing for sure is this deathadder glides along a heck of a lot smoother than my g400 on this ocuk xxl mouse mat surface. Prefer the shape of the g400 though...

However with the dainty child like lady fingers Nexus may or may not have it could be rather big!

shhhhhhhhhh sausage fingers!!!! :D

need to get me a new deathadder, mines been going strong for a good few years now but the middle mouse/scroll wheel is spazzing out a bit :(

cheeky couple of games last night, managed to take out the AA when it switched me off to the losing team :p balls out running straight at it with c4 :p

but managed to get back onto "team amazing" the next round :p and then... you guys..... you kicked me from the squad :( :mad: *******s :p

so I just ran around doing my own thing, shotgun in hand and lobbing all the flashbangs I could haha! :D
haha, only a bit extreme..... :p

I am pretty happy with the deathadder and g400 shape tbh. The zowie and rival look pretty similar shape wise to the deathadder (could do with being a tiny bit smaller), I wonder what they are like for "gliding" on this mouse mat though...

That was me sasso! :( :p Tony wanted in the squad and you were the only one not on ts so.... :p Forgive me? :D
:mad: NEVARRR! the vendetta is on! :p

haha nah it's cool :D I know how it goes :) we do the same, it's all about the peeps on TS.

I was on our TS listening to peoples mood swings whilst playing Dayz overpoch. so funny how everythings amazing and they have great plans to do something... then another player comes along and ****s on their parade haha! :p and how possessive people get over their ingame loot... "THAT'S MINE!!!!". the best is threats to break legs if people kept looking in others backpacks haha!

maybe on the weekend I'll try and get in their server just to mess with them....but that means installing arma2 again... meh! ain't nobody got time for that!

also had another sexy round as commander last night :D 20 kills with the cruise missile. first missile gave me a hexakill :D a single tear of joy rolled down my face :) was on the new DT market place map...what ever it's called! bit hit n miss though as people could move out of an area so fast!
Ah you got one of them have you, You like it then? I do like Corsair stuff, never tried their mouse or KB range though.

OMG you have a dedicated sniper button! :eek:

I do, it feels very solid and tracks nice and smooth. It's a bit wasted as my highest DPi is 800 but it's nice to have some overhead.

Paired with my K90 is a cracking combo!

The sniper button is ok, 200dpi can be usefull unlike snipers however...:D I generally tend to use it when I am trying ti hit someone with the tank using the HMG/LMG at distance.
Well I am home and back into the real world again. Won't be on tonight as I'm going out but will be catching up at some point this week and definitely over the weekend!
I'm sure I will be about tonight, depending on map type I may pop in and bring a few of the lads with me!
haha, only a bit extreme..... :p

I am pretty happy with the deathadder and g400 shape tbh. The zowie and rival look pretty similar shape wise to the deathadder (could do with being a tiny bit smaller), I wonder what they are like for "gliding" on this mouse mat though...

Extreme, but I tried one of the Steelseries Sensi Pro mice and after several hours of using it I got sore fingers. If you have the capital then you can order a set of them and return the ones you don't want. At least that's what I did.
Probably jump on tonight as well depending on how hot/cool it is....

:mad: NEVARRR! the vendetta is on! :p

hehe :p

And yeah, ramarri wanting me to buy dayz, might get it... does look like it could be rather fun :D

Extreme, but I tried one of the Steelseries Sensi Pro mice and after several hours of using it I got sore fingers. If you have the capital then you can order a set of them and return the ones you don't want. At least that's what I did.

Could order a fair amount but I cba with the faff of returning them all! :p

Logitech got back to me and said the warranty stays the same, it doesn't extend with replacement stuff (thought so) so they can't do anything :(

Will hang onto this deathadder for now though as it seems to be working fine and have to say I liking how much lighter it is as well as it gliding along this xxl mouse mat a lot better + don't really want to spend more money on pc stuff, already out enough in the last few months! :p
Totally - my issue is that I'm a claw style gamer so I find that the majority of mice are not really comfortable.
I change how I hold my mouse depending on what I am playing in/as, I will use palm grip for normal infantry "run n gun", but for more precise things i.e. HMG sniping then I change to claw
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