That's pretty funny. Typical "eSports" mentality where they think they are gods gift to the gaming community. Probably all fat spotty teenagers with no social life.
You sound like a filthy casual mate
That's pretty funny. Typical "eSports" mentality where they think they are gods gift to the gaming community. Probably all fat spotty teenagers with no social life.
You sound like a filthy casual mate
You sound like a filthy casual mate
We make up 99.9999% of the game. You won't get any support here with that attitude.
We make up 99.9999% of the game. You won't get any support here with that attitude.
We make up 99.9999% of the game. You won't get any support here with that attitude.
Well not specifically us but us type of players.
Well not specifically us but us type of players.
Not sure if I understand. I would say I'm a causal player.
It was a joke. You boys sure are sensitive.
does this game still perform considerably better on windows 8.1 compared to windows 7 ?
I used to get lots of stuttering on windows 7 and windows 8.1 got rid of it completly, but that was back when it was first released.
Have they improved Windows 7 performance since then ?
Find me at ESL - I think you take yourself pretty seriously mate.
The funniest thing is I don't. I play competitive but I don't really take it serious. I just play for fun and for a challenge. I just enjoy having a good close 5v5 game than raping pub servers. You guys take your pub more seriously than I've ever taken competitive gaming. "GREAT GAMES TONIGHT BOYS WE REKD That server. OCuK clan 2 stonk". Just pot calling the kettle black honestly.
Get over yourselves and stop hating on comp.