The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Have any of you or the TS crew noticed allot of lag since the weekend? Maybe it's all in my head lol.

Nope can't say I have. Must be your Screen bud, best thing is to send it to me, it is clearly sub standard and ruining your game.

Do it now before it gets worse

Don't know about you guys but I have been getting terrible reg over the last 2 days - feels like I'm using rubber bullets. Also that round on Zavod HazardO was Terrible!! I was getting gang banged vehicle wise and at times felt like I was scrapping the whole squad. Got told I was botting in the end but I think that was more the SWIFT than my skills :p

Connection is sound...


Bring on the changes from CTE!
Same here, hitreg issues against infantry. And reverse hitreg issues, someone hurled a heat round at me and it went way over my head, about 50m higher than my tank but somehow still hit me anyway?
I think it's all in my head - must be old age. I guess this is the anticipated FPS cliff I have been awaiting. All all down hill from hear *insert sad violin*

Awaits meme from wndsr
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Fr0dders: Please do not get in the attack chopper and just sit there with no TV's whilst I am seat-switching to take out their MAA before approaching the combat zone. And then kicking me out of the OCUK squad. Thanks.

if you don't want my help you can get lost out of my squad to be honest.

I was trying to help, i'm a perfectly proficient gunner. And for jumping in and trying to help I was rewarded with a demand to GET OUT in block cops and told not to get in your chopper.

Your attitude stunk ,and its why i told you to do one and kicked you out of the squad. You re-joined but I couldn't bothered continuing the argument and just left you in. Seriously, check your attitude next time.
That message was not aggressive enough. Please reword with a selection of vile and hurtful profanities.

Though in all seriousness, he wouldn't have known it was you as you didn't have OcUK tags so he can be forgiven for that.

@Fr0dders - great tanking yesterday, much repair, very heal. :D


I've played every battlefield game since 1942, and even played Codename Eagle at LANs back in the days before 1942. I had nearly 700 hours in BF3 and over 230 in BF4 between my 2 characters so I know how to play the game and be a team player. My only current disadvantage is that I don't have all the unlocks on my PC character. But hey when people shout in me in block caps to get out of "their" vehicle I won't be able to get those points to rank up will I :rolleyes:

I've played every battlefield game since 1942, and even played Codename Eagle at LANs back in the days before 1942. I had nearly 700 hours in BF3 and over 230 in BF4 between my 2 characters so I know how to play the game and be a team player. My only current disadvantage is that I don't have all the unlocks on my PC character. But hey when people shout in me in block caps to get out of "their" vehicle I won't be able to get those points to rank up will I :rolleyes:

I've played since BF2 - I loved that game, particularly Special Forces.

My only reservation with regards to the block capitals, are you sure it wasn't the default text that pops up when another player uses the commo-rose?

If you are on tonight we can jump on something and help you rank up.
could have been, either way I got the hump ;)

Appreciate the offer :)

That is his fault for not being in teamspeak ;)

Still working on that. Because I'm on a mac with bootcamp I have no mic input. Still trying to see if I can get the built in mic to work in windows. Not sure what the quality will be like.

Still I could always join and just listen like certain individuals ;)
Still working on that. Because I'm on a mac with bootcamp I have no mic input. Still trying to see if I can get the built in mic to work in windows. Not sure what the quality will be like.

Still I could always join and just listen like certain individuals ;)

From my experience with my iMac the sound quality wasn't great on Windows, through annoyingly was perfect when using FaceTime and Skype in OSX.

By all means come on and talk/listen as you see fit, even if it's just to hear me rage :D
Finding that bf4 runs so much better since adding another gtx 780. No longer getting such severe spiking, and much smoother.
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