I think I will be sticking with bf4 for the foreseeable future. There's very few games I'm interested in playing. Division being the only one that springs to mind. I'm not even holding much hope for that one as its bound to be borked upon release .
Don't forget escape from New York . The metal gear movie.
By ubi = no thanks
Every single game of theirs runs like **** for me, doesn't matter what settings or what I do, micro stutter galore so they can go **** themselves.
Hmm think it was "The Destroyer" - had some dodgy camera work, dodgy fight scenes and dodgy wizard things. Lasted an hour before being chinned off. Had a 2 ** rating on Netflix, should have known.
Skylines looks great, like a remastered Sim City 4!
What time we all planning to be on tonight? I'll be about normal time, normal place.
Then that is why! It is rather poop, barbarian is much better. Although I much much much prefer all the other films I have listed to Conan!
Either 7/8 for me.
edit: Nex spoiler come on and I dont think it will bug josh to much, it's 95% Special Forces gung ho action.
We don't watch 80/90's action films for the superb plot and twists