You guys should have stayed last night, the abuse towards me, oh my...... Made TEC, X and loads of "casuals" rage
Is it wrong that I get much enjoyment from making people rage in this game?
Didn't get "good" scores and spent ages just dog fighting etc. but the trolling was epic!
X guys - decent pilots but only when they were working together, once I took them both down, the abuse started. Shame our team were getting base raped though
TEC guys - on paracel, kept killing them over and over again, they all jumped in a scout heli with stingers etc. so I just kept circling them and then our attack jet guy just comes in with one strafe and wipes them all out and then he got abuse
Had some guy called xuta add me (I accepted for giggles) and hurl a load of abuse about how I am only good with OP jet and that I can't kill him with a gun. I just kept baiting him and he just kept on biting
Zoom optics = FTW
No way I could use anything else, need it for sniping across the map and those dirty head glitchers!
I heard Xonatic found your (tryhard pants) on the side of the road, so he put them on and grabbed some c4 like a true hero and went seaching for you. Shame on him!
Nexus is getting easier to C4 recently, I think his hacks need renewing!
Yup, I need to either be more defensive i.e. STU or more aggressive, there is no middle ground!!!!
AA is so much easier to c4 as when you are zoomed in looking at the sky trying to get jets etc. down, you can easily be sneaked upon
I might get a quick game or two in today.