The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Email my trust bud im of to work now so will get back to u later.. What u want for it?

No idea mate, £50? I dont have a box tho so not sure how to I send it to ya. Or maybe do the wanted bit as mentioned... I live in central London so if you have someone commuting I can give to them
Came across one of the KDEN pilots the other night - he was very good indeed in the attack jet. I night check it out. Can you post an update regarding who's streaming?

I have played against him on paracel storm... no boats left our spawn... sick bloke... there is starcraft tournament on today as well... hell I'll spend more time watching ppl then actually playing...
had a great mortar round earlier almost perfect.

40-3 up at 150 tickets :D literally everyone typing in caps stop mortar (insert all swear words known to man ) :p then admin swops me to other team :rolleyes::D

was on for a record :p
Can running Battlefield 4 on an external USB hard drive cause any issues? I don't have any space left on the 2xSSD's to try it out lol
Can running Battlefield 4 on an external USB hard drive cause any issues? I don't have any space left on the 2xSSD's to try it out lol

This is crazy talk ! do you know what they done to witches in medieval times ?
No space on ssd's for bf 4, you are the bloke who loads for 20 mins while we cap all the objectives...

I can see it working but will load extremely slow... if at all...
BF 4 needs origin and that checks the integrity of the files (all files,the whole disk and everything you have on your browser cash :D)
I can see it working but will load extremely slow... if at all...
BF 4 needs origin and that checks the integrity of the files (all files,the whole disk and everything you have on your browser cash :D)

:D Oh

Well I've got 40GB left on OS drive 120GB SSD, 50 left on the other 120gb, Skyrim taking up a lot of space.. Ridiculous that BF4 takes over 60GB :(

I did used to have BF4 on the SSD but it's so damn big, so she says :D
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