The BBC has no leftist bias at all.

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4 Jun 2020

Also Twitter link

Global heating: Study shows impact of 'climate racism' in US

A new study says that black people living in most US cities are subject to double the level of heat stress as their white counterparts.

The researchers say the differences were not explained by poverty but by historic racism and segregation.

As a result, people of colour more generally, live in areas with fewer green spaces and more buildings and roads.

These exacerbate the impacts of rising temperatures and a changing climate.


Tell me again why my dark skin necessitates Vitamin D supplements please? Also I suppose that Africa has a perfectly cool / cold climate. No sunlight there at all nope.
This post is bad and makes 0 point, nor does it refute the argument. Mods must condemn.


This is the important bit. Try reading.

Your pathetic jump to whataboutism makes no sense.

I and everyone in the Twitter comments already read it.

And we all agree that it is pure BS.

Also the last I checked, the tree in my backyard and all the greenspaces all over my estate do nothing to stop the sunlight landing on my skin.

Not one person gets sheltered by trees while outdoors in any urban environment.

Also FYI you can actually get hats that block sunlight, sunglasses, sun screen. I already have them all as a low life POC on benefits in social housing.

But ok, I guess I can get on board with what this article is trying to say - GIBE ME FREE AIR CONDITIONING USING HURFDURF'S TAXES NAOW!.

Also feel free to tell me just how many green spaces there are around all the blocks of flats there are in London.

Explain how Africans living in Africa still manage to play sports and train enough to compete in the Olympics under the amount of heat stress there?
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Still a load of nonsense compared to the temperatures in equatorial and tropical countries.

None of what you said is race relevant either, as the BBC are trying to make it out to be.

Such issues would affect everyone.

How is reporting on a study some sort of extreme left wing bias? or is it that only the people on the extreme left are able to do research?

How about the fact that the cited article doesn't actually specify 'black people', but the BBC decided to add that into their article?

The original article states:

'The increasing intensity, duration, and frequency of heat waves due to human-caused climate change puts historically underserved populations in a heightened state of precarity, as studies observe that vulnerable communities—especially those within urban areas in the United States—are disproportionately exposed to extreme heat.'

The BBC interprate that as 'Black people', when it is long proven scientifically that darker skin improves heat toleramce.

The fact is the BBC took a racially neutral article and fabricated it into 'climate racism'.
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Is it really?

I'm aware that darker skin improves protection from UV radiation but that's not the same thing as heat tolerance at all.

Since UV rays also increase heat, then surely yes it does.

Same as Low E glass negating the amount of heat getting through them by blocking UV rays.

Also darker skin cools off quicker in shade than lighter skin does.
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You are talking about resistance to UV radiation when I question your claim of heat tolerance. It's not the same thing at all.

Consider a sauna. You get heat without notable UV radiation. How exactly is darker skin assisting the tolerance of that heat.

How exactly is darker skin more susceptible to heat then and how is the Sun / climate racist?
I'm neither, just a realist with what is plain for all to see since no one is forcing these people to reproduce when they can't afford to look after themselves.

Sorry, I stopped reading all forums and such for a while (I'm sure everyone was thrilled).

Trying to go through this thread now, and this is exactly what I have believed since I was like 12?

As some black YouTuber I can't recall the name of once said, 'If you can't afford the baby, then don't make a baby!'.

The only cause of poverty is having kids when you can't afford them. I guess in some circumstances people might lose their jobs, but at least be stable and have a decent home before breeding, and so many issues with poverty would be solved.

People also ignore that air conditioning is as standard in US housing as central heating is in the UK. Every house / flat has it, or at the least have vertical sliding windows that can fit an in window air con unit.
Well the guardian propose a position that we should have fewer children, yet state that immigration is good as it creates new jobs.

Wouldn't having more children then also create more jobs?

Notice the colour of the babies in the Guardian's article. 'Make less babies to save the planet' is targeted at white people. 'Immigration is great' is to get more non white people. All this culminates into wanting to end the white race.

In the US there have already been massive backlashes against any ads and schemes to encourage black people or Jews to have abortions. The first is seen as black erasure, the second as reducing a very small population even further. But targeting white people with such ads and articles is perfectly fine because you can't be racist to white people I guess.

Already been over this. Had more than 10 opinions from the NHS from GPs to Psychiatrists that I am perfectly well above normal functioning and cannot have anything such as ASD or ADHD.

Again this is not a brag, its to remind you that I have tried for more than a decade now to get help for my mental state, and it is always assessed as beyond perfect. Feel free to blame the NHS assessments, I am doing nothing other than going to the appointments and constantly being refused any help.
Is he wrong though?

Why have the guardian targeted such groups over and over again to have less children while advocating immigration.

Isn't the net result the same? More people in the UK = more co2?

Wouldn't the pro climate position for the uk be fewer children for those groups with the highest birth rate plus less immigration?

The only difference would be less whites and more of me. How wonderful that would be indeed!
Is he correct in that there is a plan to end the white race?

No, thats just an odd take.

Do they just mention the UK? Have you got a link to it as I want to read before answering properly.

Says you.

100% of other black and brown people I grew up with want nothing less than to end white people.

Yea yea you want proof. Unfortunately they tend to know enough to not mention it in front of white people and only discuss it among their own racial groups.

Maybe I should just join them like everyone expects me to.
Literally all we ever did was sit around boasting about how non whites are taking over and soon there will be no whites left. I hated every minute of it but had to pretend to fit in. Family, friends, all ethnic people I knew loved to hate and dream about no more white people.

Ignore it all you want, by 2100 or so there will hardly be any white people left in the UK, if there will be any at all.

You dont breed enough meanwhile my grandparents had like 10 kids each for starters.

Making more black / brown babies to displace whites is most people like myselfs agenda.
Yes sure, this is just my made up fantasy all in my head, its not real and cannot hurt you. Lalalalalala!

How much common sense and self respect do white people lack to have to keep on ignoring this?

Never mind, MOAR MIGRATION NAOW!!!!!


Keep millions more of me coming, like I care, I'll be dead soon anyway.
So one professor says it and its a plan then? Youre off your rocker mate. Loads of professors say wild stuff all the time. In 2011 86% of the population was white, it would take a hell of a shift for that to happen....lets wait for the 2021 census results.

Google it, theres hundreds of such things.

Its simply common sense, what do you think happens when whites breed less, non whites breed waaay more, and more and more non whites keep coming in?

And plus abortion and not having babies keeps being marketted to white people only.

Also the census is a joke. I put I'm white christian lesbian female. None of those are true, but its that simple and easy to swindle this.
Just because you act like that doesnt mean others do. You've also committed a crime so big kudos to you.

Its not a crime to be trans everything. I refuse to identify as anything British, I am English.

I converted to Christianity then unconverted a minute after filling in the form oop. You can freely put Klingon and such for your religion anyway.

I already pointed out about abortion ads that targeted non white people. Theres already been loads of backlash against them and they no longer happen as everyone will cry racism over that now.
Did you? I must have missed that :rolleyes:.

It illegal to lie on a census form mate.. Hope that helps.

Yes you ignored the second paragraph of a post entirely after only quoting the first paragraph, your own fault not mine.

Loads of things are illegal, people still do them. Do something about it, oh right, you can't.

My nicotine pouches are illegal. So sue me.

Oh yea, FGM is illegal. Still happened to most of the females I knew growing up. Loads of doctors still allow it, black doctors ofc.
And your point is?

You are aware I am prone to falsified fantasies, unfortunately I had one of my mental dazes while filling in the form oopsie.

I still remember what I wrote and in hindsight it was all incorrect, but at the time I was in my fantasy land.

Go ahead and try to do anything about it lol.
Odd, I must've not been invited to the gatherings were we discussed ending the white race.

100%.... One Hundred Percent of black and brown people want to end white people.

There is sweeping generalisations and then there is that statement. :o


Taking things out of context is a common tactic for the left, also most POC obviously deny their extremism, they aren't going to own up to such beliefs are they?

Tell me again about all the cases of rapes from immigrants as other people are discussing.

Being raised in and moving in from a barbaric culture doesn't automatically make people 100% modern and freedom loving. They hold resentment and a deep seated hatred for Western culture and people.
Anybody else see that BBC News reporter out on a boat in the English Channel the other day, helping illegal immigrants to enter the country? Is that what the licence fee is paid for these days?

Even if they're not directly helping them, any time the BBC report on this issue - 'OMG all these poor people! We have to help them all and take them all in!'.

Seriously sink the dinghys and blow up the French ships that are bringing them in.
That would be the crime of murder of unarmed civilians and an act of war. You really are a very strange individual, as I said earlier in the thread I think you have serious issues.

I would consider the whole dumping of immigrants into British seas to already be an act of war.

What I proposed is no different to what Poland already do to stop people entering their borders.
Oh so Poland are doing it so lets also do it. China is attempting to wipe out a section of their population because of their religion, well if China are doing it why don't we do it.

You really should find help, if the help you've found so far hasn't helped look somewhere else. The way you write its like you are a psychopath or sociopath. Murdering innocent people who are in the end only attempting to find a better life is not something normal people suggest.

Illegal migration is a crime therefore they aren't innocent at all.

The UK being as soft as it is exactly why all the criminals want to move here.

Poland and China are not doing anything wrong at all. Their country, their borders, their rules.

There's a reason why the UK has so much higher rates of violent crimes and terrorism from minorities than those other countries.
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