The BBC has no leftist bias at all.

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I hate to ruin your wonderful analogy there, but in the UK we now have a fairly serious and growing problem from the genetic diseases of inbreeding.

And it's exclusively caused by immigrant populations.

As much as we joke about Norfolk it seems they aren't actually the ones doing all the cousin shagging


Couldn't find the article of such a couple that popped out like 10 crippled inbred kids to live off their benefits.

And ofc, the BBC spin on the topic is to defend it:

"It (inbreeding) works for so many people and they have fantastically successful marriages, however I would always say at least get some kind of genetic testing done," Ms Khan said.

"It's very common in Pakistan now. My cousins are really aware of all this - when they talk about potential suitors, they talk about genetic testing."

'Fantastically successful' = 'If you divorce you get honour killed'.

Maybe just stop breeding with relatives, it isn't that hard? Also worth noting ofc that the parents force their kids into such marriages, and those people are brainwashed / groomed into the culture.

Also on the laughable topic of 'immigrants = wider gene pool yay!', remind me again why no one on dating sites wants to date non whites.

FYI yes my dad wanted to drag me off for a forced marriage abroad when I was 15, and I've been branded a 'white supremacist' since I was just 17 for saying that this is bad and needs to stop happening. Lets say it had happened to me, I'd have definitely ended up in the media with a full case of 'family-cide' or W/E you want to call it.
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Doesn't look good for the next generation, I would love to see your data as well, because the evidence of mass immigration to the UK since the 50s/60s (From outside the EU) points to severe poverty and a monstrous drain on social services for generations to come, only the Indian community is the exception to this really. Are some cultures are just better and more desirable than others?

Its funny as well, all the people trying to put a stop to this and all the people still defending it are 'minority vs minority'.

Meanwhile >insert racial insult for wypipo here< just sit back sipping their tea chanting 'THIS IS FINE! NOT ALL PEOPLE! THE QUEEN ALSO HAD AN ARRANGED MARRIAGE! WE LOVE IMMIGRANTS!!!! LOOK AT ALL THESE NASTY WHITE SUPREMACISTS COMPLAINING ABOUT THIS ...' (The 'white supremacists' actually being non whites trying to stop all this crap).


'UK plummets from 11th to 156th in global child rights rankings'

'Half of child deaths reviewed were among children of Asian ethnicities, with the highest numbers of deaths (18 per cent) within this category among children of Pakistani ethnicity.

There were no deaths among White Irish or Mixed White and Black African ethnicities, and only 1 per cent among the Arab, Asian, Chinese and any other ethnic group.'

Immigration is really enriching Britain so nicely! Not.
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Then I suppose it brings to question what sort of people you decided to hang around with that harboured those views. It says more about your character that you had been surrounded by people like that rather than the statements you are making.

Because I really had a choice who to 'hang out with' when I was a child. These were all people that my parents FORCED me to associate with, and I was not allowed to 'hang out' with anyone they didn't allow.

ever say they've wished for the death of the white race. You're talking utter *****, quite frankly.

So terrorism doesn't exist at all, OK. The whole issue of White farmers being killed / kicked out of SA never happened. These people don't exist at all, nope.

Don't use your ignorance to gaslight me. 'It's never happened to me so it never happened to you'.
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Feel free to continuing your opinions on China here, that's not for us to moderate (not that I agree with them) - but please, enough of the childishness that I've edited out.

There is no evidence of any alleged 'harmful' activity. They simply have 're education and job training' centres. There are countless videos from within them that have been released showing as such, the worst that happens is that they teach 'we love China' stuff to try and prevent terrorism?

I'd actually like to have some of that myself for the free training and education, not a bad deal at all, its completely free from what I can see.

I guess people will question the whole forced aspect of it? The last I checked, education isn't optional in the west either. China maybe offer more of it for free?
It's definitely a thing.. Even more so on the not-quite-mainstream ones.

Being 5'11 means I just missed out on being able to put 6' on my profiles when I used them. In some cases what you're talking about was sometimes the next best thing

Thought you said it was nonsense, but now its definitely a thing?

Picking and choosing your opinions at complete random.
Why don't they have more police at the end of my steet where there have been 5 shootings the last few years and constant anti social behaviour. Don't want to offend the Jamaicans. When is that getting discussed on the BBC.

Because then we would be as bad as China, oh noes!

'Muh human rights! Let murderers kill! Let terrorists bomb! Let rapists rape! Any opposition makes you a violent supremacist!'.
If you put as much effort into using your shift key as you do typing irrelevant rambling nonsense about your expertise in organising a barbecue, things might scan better.

The poster has already said sinking the dinghies and commandeering the larger ships would be an efficacious way of stopping these illegals, you just don't like the idea.

Such doesn't actually need to be done, just the threat of action can be a solid deterrent.

Didn't the politicians already say they were going to 'SEND IN THE NAVY!'

Yea and, what's that going to do? Did they even do it? What the heck does the Royal Navy even do anymore if not protect our borders?

You set up a blockade at the least, stop anyone, ships or dinghys getting past. Anyone that tries can be sent back the otherway or create our own Gitmo to put them in. Maybe shove em all in a plane and send them back to Paris. 'Build a wall of ships', be like Trump.

However pew pew pew would likely be cheaper and far more effective. I don't see liberals doing anything other than 'Oh noes, all these poor people, WE HAVE TO TAKE THEM ALL IN!'.

Just keep doing nothing, like I care when the UK ends up 100% black / brown. I'll be dead by then, and that's all that liberals seem hell bent on achieving.
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Or you know Britain could grow a pair and denounce France. Small steps.

Threaten military action if it continues.

Imagine if the UK was shipping illegals across the border to Norway. You really think the rest of the world would stay silent over that?
You have to be joking right?

I don't remember being sprayed with Cs gas or being jabbed with a cattle prod in school

Baseless accusations.

I could run around saying the UK government is trying to gas me too.

If anything harmful was happening, it wouldn't be difficult in today's technical era to get a recording of that.

All these alleged camps, and you don't think one person can slip in a recording device and upload? China literally have put out clips showing these 'camps', they're all legit classrooms with education and patriotism stuff mixed in.

Even if you want to believe what you do, you could at least put the blame where it deserves to be which is the number of terrorist attacks from a certain demographic. Maybe people should realize that their actions are going to affect how others like them will also get judged if it happens too many times.
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