The best 4K games you've played?

Since I've had 4k I've completed 2 games, which is unheard of for me. It just shows imo what it adds to any game, immersion wise.

Tomb Raider 10/10
Wolfenstein: New Order 8.5/10

Amazing experiences, think I'll move onto a non FPS again, maybe Mad Max. Tried the original Bioshock(which I've never completed) and that looks fantastic, maybe my next FPS.

Can't recommend 4k highly enough. It isn't just modern games that look amazing.
Stalker series, old games now and not the best example for 4K but 4K can give a few older games a new lease of life.

Thanks for that.

I've got Stalker. I'm sure, I remember buying it... but it isn't on Steam, maybe GoG, will check. I can imagine that looking good.
Another shout for Mad Max. Looks pretty stunning.

Total War Attilla, again looks stunning and Company of Heroes 2.

I keep threatening to load up Alien Isolation or Outlast but im a bit of a fanny where games like that are concerned :D

Yeah, I think Mad Max I'm starting today, Metal Gear Solid after I've completed a couple more games, I'm starting to feel like I'm getting my monies worth for all the games I paid for and never played.

I've got Wolfenstein: Old Blood too which I will complete, sounds interesting.

Alien Isolation...Games do not scare me for some reason, but Alien Isolation I read outstays its welcome, it's supposed to go on too long, and an FPS where you are sneaking about just doesn't appeal to me. But I've downloaded it to see what it looks like, maybe I will play it.

I got quite far in Outlast, then got stuck I think, my give it a blast, I was sort of enjoying that.

The RTS games you've mentioned, I've got COH 2 but not that Total War. Is the graphics in that a level above Total War: Empire?
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GTA5 was the best looking game in 4k so far :-)

Literally just completed that before my 4k setup unfortunately. The multiplayer sounds like it's full of Mikes son type people.

Had 4k about 2 weeks and completed 2 pretty lengthy games, Wolfenstein is pretty long for a FPS, as there's quite a lot of looking around for collectables, like Tomb Raider, which I will return to as it will be interesting on the Island after I've completely wiped out all the villains(I think)!

Still undecided what's next... Witcher 3 at this point is top of my list, will play through GTA V story again, it's so entertaining.
Out of interest what framerates are you guys getting with one 980ti on gta v @ 4k? I'm tempted to go 4k but I always hear the same old "one gpu isn't enough." Reviews and benchmarks online are all over the shop; some show average fps in the twenties while others show double that. I wouldn't be using any AA in 4k but would like details as high as possible

Not sure actually, just reinstalled Windows 8.1 so haven't downloaded it yet. But will let you know. It was defo fantastic on my card and g-sync monitor setup, but will get stats for you, will download tonight.

My one card solution along with my G-Sync monitor has handled everything I've thron at it except Metro 2033 Redux on Very high, reduced to high and its solid, I just think it's badly optimized as Farcry 4 looks twice as good and I get max out of that.

Metal Gear Solid V and Mad Max can play max without issue.

Tomb Raider I played on Ultimate and was amazing. Probably the most impressive title so far.

Wolfenstein maxed out too.
Out of interest what framerates are you guys getting with one 980ti on gta v @ 4k? I'm tempted to go 4k but I always hear the same old "one gpu isn't enough." Reviews and benchmarks online are all over the shop; some show average fps in the twenties while others show double that. I wouldn't be using any AA in 4k but would like details as high as possible

Your card with a g-sync monitor would be good enough. I have the AMP Extreme which is the most powerful 980ti available off the shelf to my knowledge, but G-Synce monitor tech is amazing. Turn FRAPS off and just play the game as if it's a console game and you'll love it. G-Sync adds at least 20FPS to what FRAPS shows you, so you cannot get reliable stats. You have to experience it. No need for AA and V-SYNC needs to be turned off, that frees up performance straight away.
yes two 980Ti`s are really needed for 4K Unfortunately, maybe the next generation could possibly do it with one GPU but I expect nvidia will charge small fortune for it. :rolleyes:

Not true, I am a single card user and can play the vast amount of current and past games maxed out in 4K fluidly. The G-Sync monitor is the key.
Christ bud chill, the guy is just trying to help:rolleyes:

Sean difference looks ace, so much cleaner.

As for games, Project Cars, TW3, Ethan Carter, Bf4 also looks great playing through the SP.

:rolleyes: love it when idiots do that.

His pictures didn't display properly at first, and I really do think posting comments is the most constructive way to talk about this topic.
no m8 i have the samsung 4k

i just re-installed crysis 3 had to turn some bits down to make it smooth

I see. Got that installed, turned off AA, and blur and v-sync. Everything max, framerates from 30-45, doesn't sounds that good but on a g-sync monitor it looks like it's running @ 60FPS, super smooth.

I wasn't using FRAPS until someone on here asked specifically what framerates I was getting, but anything from 30FPS look at least 50-60FPS on a g-sync monitor, it's incredible. If it didn't look that good I would turn the settings down too.
Mad Max runs very well, so you should find it running smoothly at 4k even with a single 980ti. Great looking and fun game too.

It seems the ports we're getting are very high quality, and not that system intensive. Metal Gear Solid V is not demanding either.
GTA V looked great on 4k but i have to say the best game has to be skyrim with a tonne of mods. No jaggies at all. Looked epic.

my old 980s in SLI were a solid 60fps on GTA V with majority of settings maxed out minus AA. Havent tried with ti's.

What mods for Skyrim mate? Are they in the Workshop and easy to get? Would love to get back into that :)
Was with nexus mod manager which is very easy to set up. There are a couple via the workshop but nexus mod manager is much easier.

The best ones were High res texture pack 1,2 3. K ENB pure light, Better dynamic snow, Better embers, verdant (changes grass), flora overhaul, (sounds of skyrim) dungeons, civilations, animals. Which puts many more sounds into skyrim sounds awesome. Realistic lighting, town and villages enhanced, moss rocks, enhanced blood, dynamic fires, pure waters, real glaciers, lush grass and trees, saturation boost, immersive spells, wet and cold, pure weather, shadows (skyrim,weather tweaks, dawnguard), palistov spinning arrow, dual sheith, dual parry, smart cast, SKYUI, a quality world map. Loads of videos dependant on what your looking for regarding the best mods.

Make sure you get SKYUI . SKYUI is a much more pc, keyboard + mouse menu's. Makes it far easier. I get all my mods from here mainly.

Cheers mate, this will be my next project, and game to play. Finished it on PS3, but not on PC, and I have the DLC to complete too. Excellent, was going to be Witcher 3, but I'll return to Skyrim again, with my house building project and a ton of class mods! :)
With all the mods, makes it a really immersive game to play. Love playing it from time to time. Spent ages on it at first. Even after i finished most of it id just wander around lol. You will really enjoy it :).

Well I've got ove 50 mods now :) will have a couple hour session.
50??? noob ;)

Think I have over 200 haha, game does look epic and probably the best game visually I've played when its all modded up.

:) If you use 2 enhancement packs will one cancel out the other do you know?

My game is having trouble with a mod at the minute trying to find out which one.
Thief is another good game worth playing at 4k.

I did enjoy the old Thief games, this was dirt cheap somewhere not long ago, stuck it on my Steam wishlist as it gets decent reviews from the sites I trust most.

Off to play Skyrim, the unofficial hd texture pack was the problem, but a 2k texture upgrade works and it looks very good even though i'm on a bleak island somewhere....

Thanks mate.
I know that the Towns and villages enhanced on mine was a bit dodgy.

There are loads of visual mods, HD Enhanced terrain, Enhanced distance terrain, skyrealism, let there be light, Enhanced night skyrim, static mesh improvement, npc overhaul, no more blocky faces, better females, detailed faces, footprints, re-lighting skyrim, cinematic fire effects, 4k snow, real sun, wet and cold those are but a few. The amount of mods you can get is amazing :D.

Yep, just finished a session because my new SoundBlaster Z doesn't output 5.1 from its optical connector(I have a AV Receiver with 5.1), how crap is that? Somehow I'm outputting 5.1 from my 980ti HDMI output and using the Display Port for video, something I couldn't do in Windows 10 64?

The sound is fantastic in this, the music... I have just added a Celtic 1.2 music collection with 300mins of music! not sure if it will be any good. But I'm going to look at more mods now, finding Steam Workshop more convenient because I'm not 100% clued up with how some add-ons from the site you mentioned work or how you install them. Some needed to be installed differently from others and it confused me :)

I love Skyrim, I'm just taking my time exploring and haven't completed the main quest yet, I completed it in like 30hours on the PS3, but I didn't hardly explore. I want to do all the Thieves Guild quests too, and possibly the Dark Brotherhood. Any others you'd recommend?
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