The best designed websites on the it is

It looks lovely but I tried to make the text bigger and nothing happened. :'(
I cant view it because I dont have the latest Flash player. Thing is, I cant really be bothered to download the latest player so "that's that."
It's not a website, it's a big flash demo. It's hard to navigate with no central menu, the text is small and pixelated, it has music (!!!), it takes far too long to load for the amount of content present. Sure, they can use Flash well but it's not a good website in the traditional sense.

If a website at first glance doesn't entice you to keep reading, it's failed its primary purpose. How many of you thought "wow, nice flash site", clicked around a bit then left without knowing what the company really did or even considering using them?
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The thing is, by breaking the rules it becomes interesting and engaging, I like websites that require a bit of work to appreciate. Who wants to see the same old rule abiding template sites, break the mould, go against the grain and you will stand out :)

And on that note I raise you a
Does nothing for me. Yes it's a clever use of Flash by someone with a lot of talent in the field, but I have a lot more respect for designers who can create an attractive yet accessible site in valid (X)HTML and CSS which looks good yet doesn't break every interface rule in the book like Flash sites do.

Flash is not web design.
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It is not the fastest, most accessible site in the world but quite frankly, that is clearly not the point of it. It is made to show off their skills and it does a very good job and is therefore an awesome design imho.

And the interface is actually quite good too
johnson said:
ooooh theres that "tbh" phrase again, really makes my blood boil.

so how would you feel if you were not honest, any different or the same?
If I wasn't being honest I'd say that it was lovely and my favourite website in the whole world.

And letting a phrase make your blood boil seems a little bit excessive, to be honest. :p
Hate FLash as a presentation layer to be frank. Inaccessible to the disabled, slow to load and just plain annoying. I use Firefox's FlashBlock extension and I rarely bother to click the "Play" button. If Flash is the only content I go elsewhere.

I work on a major UK Etail website and we spend immense amounts of time (money) on making it conform to standards so that it works in most browsers, can be easily re-sized, is easy to navigate, quick to load etc. There is no Flash, no music, but it turns over £4m a week.
GSXRMovistar said:
If I wasn't being honest I'd say that it was lovely and my favourite website in the whole world.

And letting a phrase make your blood boil seems a little bit excessive, to be honest. :p

oh it really does, im gonna go break my teeth on a boiled sweet now. :) its just one of them things that get to me nothing personal.

You guys read 2advanced blogs, they trying sue somebody who ripped there site by flipping there designs horizontal lol. They also have people telling them whos ripping there sites.
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MikeTimbers said:
I work on a major UK Etail website and we spend immense amounts of time (money) on making it conform to standards so that it works in most browsers, can be easily re-sized, is easy to navigate, quick to load etc. There is no Flash, no music, but it turns over £4m a week.

Well that is nice. However, 2Advanced are clearly not working in the same field of web design as you. And with a client list containing Nintendo, Ford, Motorola and ESPN they surely aren't that bad
All those websites are flash-ridden horrors. My poor laptop stutters and starts when it tries to view them, especially with the almost full-screen flash animations.

Give me a simple, clean, quick site anyday over something like that. This company may be able to create nice looking flash animations, but I'd argue there are many people on this very forum who create better, more functional, and (in my humble opinion, to be honest :p ) nicer looking pages than that.
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