The best intro you've seen!

Mass Effect 1 and 2

And, although the sim has changed massively over the years, the original intro was so cool when I first discovered Falcon 4.0 in '98

From recent years, Phantom Pain and The Last of Us (actually, the entire game is one of the most memorable experiences in gaming IMO).

Also, intros to NFS 2 and 3;p
Can't remember the intro, but wow that video makes me want to play it... it reminds me why I will never delete it until I've finished it.

Absolutely loved Talos Principle. I don't think I've ever played anything like it - very thought-provoking and great fun. :)

I can't bring myself to uninstall it!
Mass Effect which we've already seen (that music...) and Fallout 4. Such a good intro chapter, especially after several years of piecing together what the pre-nuke world was like.
Absolutely Half Life, by far. In 1998, it was game changing.

Further down the line, i remember being blown away by the WOW cinematic.
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