The best intro

It seems to me,
That all we see,
Is violence in movies, and sex on tv.

But where are those good old fashioned values,
on which we used to rely?

Luckily theres a Family Guy!
Luckily there a man who
Positively can do
All the things that make us
Laugh and Cry
He's a Family Guy!
For me, tis Lost - for the errie sound means impending awesomeness.

No it doesn't, it means impending Lost, showing that nothing interesting will happen and they will still be Lost, and as a result you should turn the channel over and watch something more interesting, like perhaps Gardeners World.
Have you seen the episode of South Park that tears Family Guy apart? If you haven't seen it watch it. It'll open your eyes to how unbelievably garbage Family Guy is. :D
[TW]Fox;11218627 said:
No it doesn't, it means impending Lost, showing that nothing interesting will happen and they will still be Lost, and as a result you should turn the channel over and watch something more interesting, like perhaps Gardeners World.

my thoughts exactly, dont know why anyone watches it.
Have you seen the episode of South Park that tears Family Guy apart? If you haven't seen it watch it. It'll open your eyes to how unbelievably garbage Family Guy is. :D

I used to feel this way about Family Guy until very recently. I hated it and thought it totally unfunny. Then I started to watch episodes from season 3 with the GF who loves it. I have to say I am hooked now, I find it's much funnier than South Park and The Simpsons IMO.

On topic, I love the title music to Heroes.
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