The best intro

hmm, has to be...

The A-Team
Captain Scarlet
Treasure Hunt - Promised an entire hour of annekka rice's bottom (or better yet Annabell Croft)
Knight Rider

Ok, maybe not, but it ain't bad...

The new one (2008 series) starts off so well, but they fail to use the familiar theme. They could have made it so much better by re-doing the old classic.
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Ok, now you gone and made me say it...



"Glammer and glitter, fashion and fame!"

My sister had all the Jem dolls and they came with free cassettes - and every bloody last one had the theme on it - she must have played them back to back, 30 times a day for what seemed like a year of my life.

"Glammer and glitter, fashion and fame!"

My sister had all the Jem dolls and they came with free cassettes - and every bloody last one had the theme on it - she must have played them back to back, 30 times a day for what seemed like a year of my life.

Ah... reminds me of my old ex-housemate who used to play nickelback on loop... he's still on these forums /wave

EDIT : Sounds like I had it harder though...

Mein gott! And I haven't even been drinking :o

I lambasted somebody at work for saying "pacific" the other day when they meant "specific" - does that help make up for the atrocious brainfade you have just pointed out?
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