The Big WWE Wrestling Thread


Date Added: May 01, 2012
Story By: Marc Middleton
- Brock Lesnar's match with John Cena at Sunday's Extreme Rules pay-per-view got rave reviews from most fans who saw the show, but Lesnar went ballistic backstage after the match and was screaming at WWE officials and ripping apart the locker room.

According to, the huge blow-up took place because of the promo John Cena cut after the match.

The original plan was for Cena to be so badly hurt by Lesnar that even though he won, he would be stretchered out, which would keep Lesnar looking strong.

Lesnar perceived Cena's speech as a double cross by WWE officials and totally lost it backstage.
I was hoping for Brock vs Triple H at Over the Limit. I'd like to see Brock totally destroy Triple H.

We all know that Triple H's ego is so massive that he'd just need to have a pop at Brock to keep himself looking like he's still a wrestler. I'd have thought that after WM he'd be off our screens for a bit.

Extreme Rules was good. Although why they put the Divas match after the WWE title match was beyond me. Surely that should have been a pre-show match and we could have had the US title match there instead?

I hope this Cody and Big Show feud is gonna end soon. Want to see Cody doing good matches again because so far Over the Limit is looking really decent. Punk v Bryan will be match of the year, I reckon.
A little something for the Bryan fans:



Always amazed me this video, Stevie ray trying to sandbag the giant, but he gets muscled up anyway. Chokeslam hold position doesnt really offer much leverage in the first place, and Stevie Ray was one BIG wrestler to say the least.
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Sounds a ****

"I came back to bring legitimacy to WWE. That's exactly what I did. And how was I rewarded? With the same corporate BS and politics that led me to leave eight years ago. I don't regret what I did to John Cena. I embarrassed him. Another guy I embarrassed was Triple H. He's always been jealous of me. He lasted one hour in a cell with Undertaker but he couldn't last one minute with me. I had an agreement with the company and he broke it so I broke his arm. I don't care about him, you people or the corporate suits at WWE because I, Brock Lesnar, am never coming back. Because I, Brock Lesnar, quit."
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