Survivor series tonight cards not the most exciting, suppose it really lives and dies on the world title tournament outcome, will it be:
A) Straight dull Reigns win
B) Reigns heel turn title win screwing Ambrose in the final (HHH involved)
C) Ambrose heel turn title win screwing Reigns in the final (HHH involved)
I hope it's C but with WWE these days it'll probably be A!
I haven't watched WWE in a while. I see they've forgiven Del Rio.
Confirmed Cesaro is out
I'm going to London, need to buy a new shirt tonight so I'm not in the same white Punk shirt from 2011...
I read some rumours of Zain wrestling on the weekly NXT taping before Takover : London on the network!
Not on the main card , but on the dark match
Just seen there are tickets for Sheffield on Saturday night. Might have to go