Macky said:Buttons or a skin or what; for MPC HC please?
Khaaan! said:Macky - MPC-HC buttons are custom ones, was on doom9 forum but I can't find the link to it any more!
You are right about the HTC clock.
Here is a link to the gmail notifier, i edited one i downloaded to look neater. Simply open the ini with notepad and input your username and password for it to work.
Try 44418
magicoi said:How did you get weather centre to show a 4 day forecast?
Khaaan! said:Hover over it and press the up/down arrows that show up to expand/contract forecast length.
magicoi said:ooh, you are good! cheers
OK - try UKXX0085
Windows 7 x64 Ultimate with Win7 Blend Theme
Silver Square Start Orb
CPU Gadget, and Network Meter
GPU Observer
Top Process
Weather Centre
Wallpaper is Elisha Cuthbert, Cant link to it, Google will show you the way.