*** The Brand New Post An Image Of Your Desktop Thread ***


Standard W7 theme, wallpaper is from http://ether.deviantart.com
Do you not think it's time, in this day and age of high-resolution widescreen monitors, and super-high bandwidth home internet connections, that we can finally drop the retardedly low image size restrictions? At least up to 1280 or something?



Windows 7 x64 Professional, can't remember where the wallpaper was from, I think it was a mandaloux, but I can upload it on request (It's actually 3840x1200).

Oooh a new DT thread!
Win 7 x64 featuring my age old samurize sidebar, mIRC v6.0, and foobar with the DarkOne mod playing the uber airfield track from crysis warhead :)


No I didn't, I can't remember where I found it, so just searched for the name of the wallpaper and that was the first link that came up, didn't know that you had to buy it until you said.
Some lovely looking ones here.

My work desktop is a simple one using Dark Wood from deviant art, rainmeter & 10foothud and Ultramon.

My new desktop for my new Windows 7 64 Bit work laptop. Wallpaper using my company logo, sidebar using Rainmeter with Dark Rainmeter and built in Enigma options. Rocketdock at the bottom.


Windows XP - Rocket Dock(need to change the icons on some new shortcuts) Theme is Lakrits(think thats how its spelled)

wallpaper ( took the one above and played a bit with it and the R8 i found the pic on the net) basically its done for me, if someone likes it heres the link - WALLPAPER
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