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Wallpaper (1920x1200)
and Fences for the organizing the icons (thanks Zarf!), I dont usually like desktop apps but might stick with this, makes icons easy too see.
did u have to downlaod every program ?

Dunno what you mean fella?

If you are referring to Object Dock then I just got that from File Hippo. For all the apps Ive got within my Dock bar I simply dragged the shortcut into into it.

Or if you are asking about the big clock then no, just DL the HUD time app for sidebar and choose ya font.

What IRC client is that? I've been using mIRC for waaaay too long and only use 5% of its features. I'm thinking something console based is all that I need.
My desktop at present 1900x1200 (it changes everyday because I'm sad like that :P)

Click for larger version

Everest side bar, zune media player, fences, HUD time, drive info
Zo0m in, it's putty? :p

Bit of both.

It's PuTTy Tray (A fork of PuTTY that has things like clickable URLs) connecting to a server in London, which runs Irssi under Screen.

Screen allows you to detach sessions, so I can turn my PC off but Irssi is still running happily on the server, I can reattach to the session whenever and wherever I want over SSH and it's like I never left. :)
Except the Windows Gadget version of HUD Time and HUD Weather is far better because it won't hide during Aeropeek which Rainmeter will.

Your right this is better, only thing that annoys me is when you have a white background. As got it on auto rotate.
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