Oh for f....I swear the weather is sentient, and hates me
It's been dry all day and forecast said dry for basically the next few days. The car is pretty clean, but I wanted to give it another quick wash and put a second coat of wax on. I was leaving work an hour early today, so planned to do it when I got home. Before leaving work, one last weather check to see if it will rain...
BBC Weather: "Overcast but dry. Perfect car cleaning weather."
Android Weather App: "Yup. No rain. Go for it."
RainToday Radar: "SCOPES CLEAR, CAPTAIN!".
Great. Get home, get all the gear out, pressure wash the car then go and mix up some shampoo. Just as I'm starting to wash proper, the mother of all black clouds rocks up like "hey, nice car douchebag, trollolololol" and proceeds to start ****ing down.
I've started so I'll finish. Unfortunately, the rain is not really heavy enough to rinse the car properly, so as a final indignity, I'm forced to look like a nutter, standing in the rain rinsing a car with a hosepipe whilst incredulous neighbours drive past.
Sometimes, I hate Britiain