Haha yes I get all these with predictable regularity. Oh no, please do go on... I've not heard all those wonderfully sharp and witty remarks seven times today already.
To be fair the older men and women (even strangers) always stop to say what a wonderful job I'm doing and how it looks so very nice compared to the other cars in the street, so that's always pleasant to hear. It's a generational thing I think. Not many people my age are out cleaning the front, painting the fences and waxing the car like I do. They're all too busy on arseface or catching Pokemon or whatever. So maybe the older folks just get a wry smile out of it or something, I dunno.
BTW in answer to my own post about 'plain' QD sprays, I've ordered a gallon of Meguiar's M34 Final Inspection. It's exactly what I was after and is only £24 for a US gallon at CYC.