*** The Car Cleaning Thread ***

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Anyone got any ideas what these duty spots are, they were almost like the consistency of polish dust.


It truly didn't feel like bird poo, it just came off in one swoop with a bit of QD. I did tap my finger on one (it was all over the roof almost) and it just didn't seem like it...

e; Ahhh! Maybe it's pollen...
Nope, it hasn't rained... It wasn't there when I left the house and when I came back from dropping the person off it was there...
Could be a bird having landed on it. A lot of them have some weird dusty coating on their feathers. I know this as they regularly used to fly in to my living room window and knock themselves out. Was forever cleaning outlines off it.
Could be a bird having landed on it. A lot of them have some weird dusty coating on their feathers. I know this as they regularly used to fly in to my living room window and knock themselves out. Was forever cleaning outlines off it.

Whilst I was driving? :p I'm so confused what it was to be honest... Who knows. I literally popped round the corner and back again :(
I spent 30 minutes cleaning the inside of my car for the first time in about a year...



The mats are on the washing line...



I am going to get some carpet stain removing cleaner I think next.

Also, my leather is incredibly dirty and probably damaged...



Is this 'repairable'?
I had a grey merc leather interior worse than that, gliptone leather cleaner did the job nicely and then 2 applications of the conditioner 2 weeks apart got the leather nice and supple.
What do the soft top owners here tend to use to protect their roof? Tried some 303 Aerospace on the wife's Mini and it seems to do a great job of beading but if I attack it with a stronger current from a hose then you can almost over-power it and it looks like it starts to just saturate on horizontal surfaces if that makes sense?
Getting a fiesta ST (year old) with the part leather recaro seats, what's best to clean the leather on these and the cloth for that matter? Also I used dragons breath on my alloys, I assume this won't cause any damage to new alloys as I want to try and keep on top of them this time around!
Treated myself to another drying cloth - am impressed with it - can dry the car in one go without wringing it out. - They have gone up to £5.49 now though.

Hand polishing is an absolute pain in the butt and knackering, if I ever do it again I'll rent or buy a DA!

It's not any quicker with a DA, because then your more inclined to do it properly, and then it takes ages. You can hand polish a car in an hour or so just firing round it with the polish, then again to take it off. Once you get into the groove (the guy who valeted my Passat did the whole thing in 2 hours, including claybar and hand polish, as well as the interior). I just did my Golf with the DA, and that took 7 sweaty hours. That was wash, snow foam, wheels, tardis, DA polish, sealant and glass. Not even a wax over it. And it was only a Golf, so not exactly a big car. Anytime I have used my DA (which is obviously not often enough), it has always taken ages, because once you have it out, you might as well do it right (and I wasn't so bothered on everything below the bump strips either, so they didn't get hit quite as hard as above, plus, I only hit each panel once).
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