I keep meaning to polish my Z4 but I just never get to it xD need to get a DA I think and take one cloudy day to do it.Hand polishing is an absolute pain in the butt and knackering, if I ever do it again I'll rent or buy a DA!
Possibly bird poo after some rain washed most of it off.
Could be a bird having landed on it. A lot of them have some weird dusty coating on their feathers. I know this as they regularly used to fly in to my living room window and knock themselves out. Was forever cleaning outlines off it.Nope, it hasn't rained... It wasn't there when I left the house and when I came back from dropping the person off it was there...
Could be a bird having landed on it. A lot of them have some weird dusty coating on their feathers. I know this as they regularly used to fly in to my living room window and knock themselves out. Was forever cleaning outlines off it.
Youve seen planes land on an aircraft carrier, right? Same thing!Whilst I was driving?I'm so confused what it was to be honest... Who knows. I literally popped round the corner and back again
Hand polishing is an absolute pain in the butt and knackering, if I ever do it again I'll rent or buy a DA!