Received my bottle of Polar Seal in the post yesterday and have just finished washing the car. Not much more to add to what you said, although I think maybe dismissing it because it cant be used on soft tops or windows (actually only windscreens, presumably because of wiper smear) is a bit harsh. After all, this is essentially meant to replace a wax or sealant, and surely the same can restrictions can be said of those? And I guess most people who've gone to the effort of buying a snow foam lance will probably be the kind of people to finish off by cleaning the windscreen with glass cleaner anyway.
I was aiming to be critical of it, but it really does seem to be an excellent product. I just pre-washed, washed, waxed and dried the car in under 90 minutes. I'll admit to not being the most diligent car washer - usually by the time I've washed and dried the car, I'm already tired and dreading the waxing/sealing stage, and I often either just skip it completely, or end up missing parts of the car. So if this product is durable enough that I can just given it another going over every 1-2 months after a hand wash, then I wouldn't be surprised if I stopped bothering with wax - especially as spraying it through the lance also means I'm less likely to miss nooks and crannies that I would usually overlook when waxing with Collonite. I even managed to dress the tyres in that time - a step I often overlook because I just want to get the car waxed and pack away. Being able to essentially wax the car in the "wash" stage means I'll be less likely to overlook the finishing touches.
I noticed that the car was much easier to dry as well - for the first time I was able to truly dry a panel just by laying the towel on it for a few seconds, and whereas I usually find my wing mirrors harbouring water spots even after a thorough dry, they seemed clear when I'd finished just now. I'm contemplating the Race glaze filter as well now, as we live in a very hard water area, and that would make it even easier and quicker.
Well done, Autoglym