The cat and fiddle and a ******* idiot.

Yeah great, lets start prosecuting everyone who uploads a video showing the slightest misdemeanor or a large cluster **** as the video in question. There is no difference between the two. Same if i do a Vlog on the way into work and catch a dozen people on there mobiles, lets throw the book at them as well shall we, or the woman drying her hair on the vents, or the sale`s rep eating a pasty with one hand.

Be careful what you wish for, but then i bet you read the daily mail :D
Now that is what's called "Riding Beyond Yourself"

People in the car must have **** themselves & I cannot believe how lucky the biker is/was.
Don't need to prosecute him - he'll be dead within 5 years


Unfortunatly it's now made it into the Daily Mail.

The guys actually 21, got to love his quote:

For some reason I always go wide on that corner and I did it again and it nearly cost me my life

Now i dunno about any body else but if i'm making the same damn mistake i modify my riding style, not plow on regardless, i suspect before too long yon matey is going to wind up a statistic of the worst kind.
Well that video has put me off driving the cat and the fiddle, I'm going to be in the peak district this summer and thought it might have been a bit of craic to drive some afternoon and see what all the fuss is about.
just hugely inexperienced,its not the mistake you wanna be making too many times

waay too fast for that road/bends

any road is safe to ride fast provided you take care ect and know what your doing
And I thought those solid white lines were there for a reason.

The guys a muppet and was inches away from possibly killing the people in the car.

If he wants to kill himself then fairplay we need more donor's but to recklessly endanger innocent road users is something else.
Some harsh comments, there...

I can't see the speedo clear enough but he was aparently only doing 60mph which, as far as I can tell from a quick watch, is the speed limit for a rural single-carriageway without signposts to the contrary. Not knowingly ridden the C&F myself, so no idea what the limit is there.

I'm going to be in the peak district this summer and thought it might have been a bit of craic to drive some afternoon and see what all the fuss is about.
I think it's only a fuss if you try and ride it while pretending to be Guy Martin. I know plenty of people who rode it without any drama, just like Hardknott Pass, Porlock Hill and so on.

Aside from crossing solid white lines, I suspect he overcooked the speed (and probably went well over 60) during the overtake. He was then set up for the left-hander, but then stupidly target-locked the instant the car appeared and that was the end of that.

Inexperience makes the most sense. The fact that he says he always goes wide on that bend and *doesn't* know why suggests he doesn't care to improve his riding, either!
Ninjas aren't the easiest bikes to ride, let alone ride well and he just sounds like the first of the Summer Riders for 2014...
Can't even imagine how the car driver must have felt seeing him come flying round the corner towards them o.O
Some harsh comments, there...

I can't see the speedo clear enough but he was aparently only doing 60mph which, as far as I can tell from a quick watch, is the speed limit for a rural single-carriageway without signposts to the contrary. Not knowingly ridden the C&F myself, so no idea what the limit is there.

Its been a 50 for quite some time because of idiots doing this, and he was never making that corner from the second he went in to it.
Hardly matters what the speed limit is if you're doing a speed you can't make it round the corner at.

You think it's harsh to suggest someone is an idiot when the evidence shows him repeatedly crossing double white lines and going round blind corners on the wrong side of the road, before telling us that 'always happens to him'?
Yeah great, lets start prosecuting everyone who uploads a video showing the slightest misdemeanor or a large cluster **** as the video in question. There is no difference between the two. Same if i do a Vlog on the way into work and catch a dozen people on there mobiles, lets throw the book at them as well shall we, or the woman drying her hair on the vents, or the sale`s rep eating a pasty with one hand.
Do I care if someone posts a video of them doing 80 on a motorway? No. Do I care if someone rides consistently dangerously, who posts a video of him nearly killing himself and other motorists, then admits he rides that way regularly? Yes.

You seem to think there is no difference between the two. There is.
The lad doesn't look to be going to fast for that road/bend he just got target fixated, It's something your Lessons & Test tell you about & how to avoid those natural reactions & turn them into life saving reactions/actions.
When on a bike it really is as simple as "Where you look is where you Go/End up" During lessons & riding you learn to look around the bend or look where you want to go.
Quite simply if the Lad had just dipped into the bend & looked around the bend he would have quite easily made it safely around that bend.
I'd also suggest that as he has had trouble with that bend in the past that has had an effect on how he has gone into that bend & has literally gone where his eyes are looking.
I hope he has learnt a very important lesson & changed his leathers as they must be full of ****. :p
Actually, I've just rewatched the video and where he has crossed the double whites it has been where he's had good visibility and I think target fixation is a good call.
Given his admission and comments I think I was a little harsh.
Lets hope he learns from it.
Was it target fixation? To me it looked like when he saw the car he would have hit it if he had continued his turn just as tight and fallen off if he'd made it tighter. Maybe he made the best of putting himself in a stupid situation.
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