Agreed, I hope they throw the book at him.
Agreed, I hope they throw the book at him.
Don't need to prosecute him - he'll be dead within 5 years
For some reason I always go wide on that corner and I did it again and it nearly cost me my life
For some reason I always go wide on that corner and I did it again and it nearly cost me my life
Lol! Save it for the track son, then let's see who is a hot shot.
Jesus, kids.
I think it's only a fuss if you try and ride it while pretending to be Guy Martin. I know plenty of people who rode it without any drama, just like Hardknott Pass, Porlock Hill and so on.I'm going to be in the peak district this summer and thought it might have been a bit of craic to drive some afternoon and see what all the fuss is about.
Some harsh comments, there...
I can't see the speedo clear enough but he was aparently only doing 60mph which, as far as I can tell from a quick watch, is the speed limit for a rural single-carriageway without signposts to the contrary. Not knowingly ridden the C&F myself, so no idea what the limit is there.
Do I care if someone posts a video of them doing 80 on a motorway? No. Do I care if someone rides consistently dangerously, who posts a video of him nearly killing himself and other motorists, then admits he rides that way regularly? Yes.Yeah great, lets start prosecuting everyone who uploads a video showing the slightest misdemeanor or a large cluster **** as the video in question. There is no difference between the two. Same if i do a Vlog on the way into work and catch a dozen people on there mobiles, lets throw the book at them as well shall we, or the woman drying her hair on the vents, or the sale`s rep eating a pasty with one hand.